Chapter 10

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Katelyn POV

I had met TinkerBelle a bit ago and we were now being brought to the Mermaid lagoon once again to meet yet another person, apparently this one is not a fairy but a pixie (I hadn't known there was a difference till now) his name is Thistle.

We once again reached the lagoon and saw a boy sitting at the edge talking to Marrisa while the other mermaids were sitting in the distance looking upset for some reason or another. As we came closer he stood and came to us, he stood in front of us he was quite short, his hair was bright red but he wasn't ginger his hair was actually bright red like a strawberry. His eyes were a soft green, his ears were long like an elf and he had big gold earrings coming off of them.

I was now the one to stick out my hand for him to shake and he accepted it with a smile,

"I'm Thistle, you're, Katelyn correct?" He asked as I nodded as the others introduced themselves to him.

We sat for a while and got to know each other we once again asked him many questions like we did to TinkerBelle:

"How old are you?" "17 in pixie years,"

"Is that different from Fairy years?" "Yes, while fairies expire with old age pixies live as long as the person who brought them to life does,"

"Your parents?" "No pixies are born from laughter, we die with whoever's laugh we were born from,"

"Who's laugh were you born from," "Wendy Darling's,"

"They actually exist?" "Mhm,"

"Have they been here?" "Yes quite a few years ago,"

"Did Wendy like Peter like she did in the movies?" "Yes though it was short lived, about two months after she left Neverland with her brothers she found her husband Robin."

"Why did they leave?" "They wanted to grow up I suppose,"

When the questions stopped it was long after dark and we continued to sit by the beautiful lagoon chatting. A few more mermaids had come to the surface, most of them retreated angrily at the sight of Thistle but some stayed. Marrisa hadn't left and she was quite chatty, but not much to us.

She had crawled out of the water and was now leaning against Thistle, her tail was a sight to be seen; it was nice and orangey; it was covered in accessories as well pearls, fishnets, shells covered her head to fin. Her hair was messy with beach waves and small hair wraps and braids, it was an out of control mess but a beautiful one. Her shirt consisted of a ripped sail tied over her chest with other small nik-naks.

I pulled my attention back to the mermaid who was fiddling with my hair. We'd been warned to not trust the mermaids if they didn't come near Thistle but this one wasn't threatened in the slightest. She styled away at my blonde hair. She hadn't said anything to us, she had pointed to my hair then to her own and smiled brightly. I had turned to give her access to my hair and the mermaid had smiled brighter than the sun and hadn't stopped since.

Aiden was watching us closely, while making conversation with Axel. The creature didn't seem very interested in our conversation, she had gotten the soft hair the way she found fit and was now tying shells and string into the locks.

"Her name's Veronica," Marrisa called "She won't talk to you, that one's a siren she'll put you in a trance if she does."

We turned our attention back to the creature, she nodded shyly and ducked down so just her head was out of the water. I giggled as Veronica took my hand in hers and began to give me an assortment of bracelets to dangle from my wrist.

Veronica then pulled herself up and sat with me, her tail was lavender and faded into a soft blue near the tips, it matched her blue eyes perfectly.

"Do you have any form of speech that doesn't involve you talking like sign language?" I asked

"Yes" She signed

"Okay great, I'm not very good at sign language but I know the alphabet, and a few other signs." I said nervously, Veronica's tail hit the ground in joy and she seemed very happy.

"Not many people care enough to ask, thank you" She signed, my heart melted a little at that.


I pulled the lavender skirt over my head and tucked it under the corset, I pulled the corset tight and fiddled with the green hood to make it look like it belonged.

I hadn't taken my hair down from the way Veronica had done it and it was quite cute in my opinion. I had two french braids that went into pigtails and the back was down with small braids and hair wraps and my curtain bangs were framing my face.

I laced my boots and stepped out of the tent, the boys were mostly sitting around the firepit trying to shield themselves from the rain. Though Nibs, Curly, Ezra, and Twig were over yonder in a clearing basking in the downpour. I thought for a moment about all the time I'd taken to perfect the clothes that I was wearing, then shrugged and ran over to join them.

"Hey Kate!" Twig called, he had a bit of a stutter and K was a struggle for him

"Hey!" I called back, splashing through the puddles and pulling up the hood.

I went up to Nibs and he held the cape of his hood over my head for cover, I looked up at him and he smiled. I turned, had his smile always been so soft and bright?

Curly lifted Twig and spun around, Twig laughed and went along with it. The two did a small uncoordinated dance and laughed. Twig got away and went over to Ezra who was staring up into the clouds, Twig shook him and he looked down at him blankly. He grabbed his arm and kept staring blankly.

"Have you been enjoying it here?" Curly asked me suddenly.

"Yes, very much you've all made it so welcoming," I responded gratefully

"I'm glad, at first you seemed so distant and spaced out I was worried that you wouldn't stay." He said honestly

"You can't get rid of me that easily," I laughed, then I remembered the shadows and decided this was as good a time as any to ask about it.

"If you don't mind me asking what happened to your shadow?" I asked pointing to the ground next to him where a shadow should be.

"You lose those when you get to Neverland. It's what keeps Peter alive, Petra too but she doesn't need them anymore she's got Marrisa's." He answered

"Oh, so is that why they recruit Lost boys?"

"Sure is, and because their hearts are bigger than they care to let on," He said the last bit a little quieter

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