Welcome to Freddys

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"Why you little mistake! Go to hell!" Smack. I was thrown backwards by my fathers slap. My face stung. I felt blood trickle from my nose. Tears burned in my eyes. "Go to your room, Y o u little b it c....." Thud. He had fallen and died over due to heroine overdose. I ran up to my room and grabbed my camera, a knife, and some bandages. I burst out the doors and ran. I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me. I found a pizzeria. Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria. I peeked in through the windows. All the lights were off. I walked around to the back of the restaurant and found a big box. I put my camera and knife inside. Then I crawled in. Rain began to fall from the dark midnight sky. I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up I walked to the front of the pizzeria and saw the sign read open. I walked inside and saw a small group of boys sitting at a table talking a joking. I wondered if I should walk towards them. I walked a little closer.

"Hey who is she?" One boy with curly red hair asked the other boys. The other boys turned around. One had a question mark for a face, and the other was dressed to look like a pirate. I stood there frozen. The pirate bot shrugged.

"I-I-I like her hair. I-i-i-its blue." The question mark boy added. You can trust them. They will be nice to you. The question mark boy is sort of like you. He is abused. The words ran through my brain. I was used to it. I walked up to them and smiled.

"Hi, my name is Jewel." I tried to look and act as normal as I could.

"How old are you, Jewel?" The red haired boy asked.

"Five." I replied calmly. His name is Fritz. Question marks name is Jeremy, and Pirates name is Mike. They continued to interrogate me.

"D-d-do you want to hang out with us?" Jeremy asked shyly. I nodded. He seemed really nice. Mike and Fritz both shoot him a shocked look. I sat in the seat next to Jeremy. They had books scattered on the table. I tilted my head. "Can you read?" Jeremy asked me. I shook my head no.

"Didn't they teach you in school?" Mike asked.

"Whats school?" I tilted my head. What was this place called school?

"You don't know what school is?" Fritz exclaimed. All the boys exchanged a shocked look.

"D-d-daddy said I had to stay home and take care of the house, because thats a girls job." I looked at the ground and said. All the boys looked at me. I could sense there sadness.

"Then how are you here." Mike asked.

"I snuck out." I lied. I couldn't tell them the truth.

"Well, we'll teach you." Jeremy smiled. "I can teach you how to read and write." Jeremy grabbed one of the books off the table and handed it to me.

"S-S-Sailor Moon." I tried to read the title. Jeremy smiled at me wail the others shook there heads in disapproval. Jeremy helped me read the book wail the others watched the animals sing and dance. After I was done I hummed along with one of the songs. I felt happy. I felt free. The end of the day rolled around and the boys left me. I walked out the door and crawled into my box. This is my home. I thought. I let out a sigh and fell into a blissful sleep.

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