The Death I Feel Inside PART 1

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"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" Rose yells out as she sighs "YOU CANNOT SAY WE KNOW FOR A FACT' as I scream back at her "I WANT TO HAVE A BABY" I yell again hitting a wall "WHAT IF THEY HAVE THE PARADOX ALSO" as Rose begins to hit her legs to calm herself down

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE" as Rex and Posh run in as they see me and Rose yelling at eachother a bruise on her leg and the wall caved in as they rush me "YO WHAT THE FUCK YOU DO WHY YOU HIT HER" Rex yells out as Posh has me up against the wall

"I DIDNT HIT HER SHE BEEN HITTING HERSELF' as I look at Posh In the eyes with dead eyes and almost a deep pain in Posh hits him at the sight "HE DIDNT HIT ME NOW GET OFF OF HIM"

As Rose scream Rex holding her back Posh looks at me and then back at her as he puts a needle in my neck and I fall to the ground all I hear is "WHAT YOU DO" as Rose gets injected also Rex screaming at posh "ILL KILL YOU IF SHE IS"

We both blacked out as what seems a long while but I felt a deep pain as I woke up seeing rose still crying in her sleep as I reach out to her crying myself rubbing her head as I fall out of the bed noticing I am chained up on it

"Are you calm" as I look at Posh reading over some papers and x-rays "so what is wrong" as Posh says quietly "none of your business I mean your the closes one to being a brother to me next to Gameboy but it's something between me and her" Posh just nods

"You hurt her I will kill you" Posh says unchaining me as I rush to Roses side and strokes her hair as she wakes up "I'm sorry" she says crying to me as I shush her "no it's my fault all of this is my fault and I" I say crying a little "I mean I was to be with you forever but it makes me feel I don't deserve you or can be with you"

As Rose smiles weakly "you'll always be part of my life" as she hugs my arm "but I don't think we are ready to try or have a baby" as she looks down "we're not even married eather" as she quietly says "and what about the paradox being moved to them" as she starts to tear up

"The Paradox would be most likely if we had connected to me and only me" as I think "well even if it is we can train them and help them become used to it" as I get lost in thought "and if they did we would still love them" as rose just smiles "but it's still a fear"

As I get out of thought "and if you find a way to help them what if they die or see them die from it you can't help them" as I look at her I feel a deep fit if rage as my body begins to resonate energy "YOU THINK I AM WEAK IS THAT WHY" as I push off of her

"Caleb your turning" as she shivers "you said the corrupt is under control" as I scream out "EVERYONE THINKS I AM WEAK AND EVEN THIS CORRUPTION EVEN SHOWS THAT" as I slap Rose in the face cutting her I look wide eyed and dead inside my eyes completely dead "I'm sorry I need to die"

As I teleport away from her I hear her "I still love you though" as I teleport to the transfer void we're all the corruption came from "I always alone" as I drop to my knees looking at the things corrupting "I always stand alone" as I scream out "WHY CANT I LIVE JUST LET ME DIE"

As I completely blackout something inside me hurt my gut as I hear everyone "you got this ok" as I hear a voice as I completely in a daze I see a figure appear out of the darkness "so your awake or not" as I feel a hand over my chest "you just got to keep fighting to protect everyone" as the voice chuckles

"Well maybe start by protecting yourself" as I wake up I see a old man in some sort of cabin as see him I ready my sword "no need to be hostile you know who I am" as I shake my head "George so you were in the transfer void" he just chuckles "no you dropped out of it in half when I guess you went unconscious"

As I look at my body seeing I'm in a leather robe "yeah your body was corrupted I had to get rid of your armor so I gave you the clothes of a soldier I was in company with as he laughs "so how is my granddaughter" as my stomach dropped

"Bad I guess looking at you" he turns to me from the fire "no matter what she still loves you" as I just nod trying to hold back my emotions "I hurt her" as I whisper "I attacked her" as I cry "MY EXISTENCE HURTS ALL AROUND ME"

As he just shakes his head "you know the story were I protected and cared for my petals" as he sighs "grandpa George grandpa George" as petals runs in "oh the man is awake" she coos as she runs to me with a basket "I was going to give them to grandpa but you need some cause your sad"

As I just chuckle "so your petals rose talks about you a lot with grandpa George" as she nods and smiles "grandpa is strong he had to fight a big monster and when it was defeated it dropped you" as she says that my stomach

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