Game Night -> ⏭️↪️ Uno ↩️🔄

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The looks around the table were intense. Eyes would lock between the 5 members of the family. They would all lean back, hiding their cards. Cards were put down in a circle.
"Wild. I pick red." El slapped her card down. Beside her, Johnathan groaned.
"You just had to pick red didn't you?" Grumbling to himself he put his cards face down on the table and drew roughly 6 cards before finally getting a red one. Jane pressed her lips together, body moving from silent laughter. Will smirked at his brother's sore loser nature. With no problem, Will played a card. When it got to Jim, Joyce interrupted.
"I swear, if you skip me, you are sleeping on the couch." She only had a couple cards left and she was starting to get tired, so the game ending would be great, despite how much she loves family time, and winning too would be even better.
"You wouldn't do that." He chuckled lightly.
"Hell yeah, I would. Do you really want to test me?" Johnathan laughed out loud at his mother's response.
"We both know you don't like sleeping alone." He lowered his voice a little.
"That's only because I like knowing that you're okay, and it's easy to tell if you're right next to me." The game was almost totally forgotten about.
"Awwwww Joycie cares about me."
"Call me that again and you won't even get the couch."
"Dadddd play your card already, I'm so close to winning."
"Uh, no." Joyce narrowed her eyes at the girl. "I will be winning."
"Mother knows best." Eleven shrugged. Will has showed her Tangled and it became her favorite Disney movie. Jim played his card. Just a normal card. Joyce put one down, leaving a single card in her hand, shouting 'Uno.' As the kids played their cards, Jim decided to mess with her a bit. He rested a hand on her thigh, rubbing inward. She didn't seem annoyed or anything, more relaxed. It made him smile. His plan to mess with her didn't work out, but he did soften her up a bit. When it came around to Joyce's turn, Hopper had put down a card that made her have to draw.
"James Hopper!" She groaned as soon as he put his card down.
"What?!" His voice went up a few octaves. She was mad. She drew a few cards and slapped the right one onto the pile. She leaned back in her chair and watched as her daughter kicked her butt, placing down her last card. Then the cards were put back in the box. "Babe." Jim put a hand on her shoulder. She huffed. "You're actually mad?"
"Yes, I'm an-" He cut her off, holding her by the waist and kissing her hard on the lips. The kids noses scrunched up.
"Get a room." Will sighed.
"Don't think she's mad anymore." Johnathan added before quickly getting out of there. Joyce pulled back from the kiss.
"I forgive you."
"Yeah, I thought so." He placed a kiss on her forehead. All the kids had ran upstairs, so he turned off the light, and him and Joyce headed to bed.
"So... about our bet... what do we do? Neither of us won." He asked as he closed the bedroom door.
"Well... I was closer to winning than you were... go sit down, Sheriff."
"Yes ma'am." He swallowed.

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