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So this is pretty (not) interesting. I was getting bored not knowing what to do. And just decided to put into a google search something to do. I looked through a few suggestions and then chose this. Write a short story. So I said "eh why not" and here I am writing this to lead up to the short story let's begin shall we.

This person didn't have a name; he was lost in this grand world. They wandered not knowing what to do to themselves. They couldn't comprehend what this world wanted for them. All these influences and topics and world issues that make them question what even is their opinion. Who are they? What is good and bad? Can they even be themselves? Walking down this colorless road. They attempted many times to try to fix themselves. Begin a new fresh start. Walk a colorful path not the colorless one. It was as they were wandering lost in their thoughts once more. They bumped into someone. They look up only to be taken aback. The colorless world shone for once in front of him. This person was bright and fiery. Like his emotions were roaring and known. This one was the complete opposite of themselves. It was like this one walked the colorful road that he attempted to walk so many times. The one walking the colorless road asks this person with astonishment and curiosity. "How? How can you walk such a colorful path?" The one walking this colorful road acknowledges the person in front of him. Noticing how this person walked the colorless road that they were once was stuck in. They think for a while to come up with a proper answer. The colorless walker waiting for a response attempts to speak once more before being interrupted. The colorful walker finally speaks. "There are many responses I've thought to give you. But to just give one answer is difficult. You who have been walking this colorless path crave to know if you can change,To be yourself and what to do. So I'll give an answer that should help begin your path to walk this colorful road. One answer that I believe shall suffice your desire. You have to open yourself. You may be wondering what do you mean to open yourself? Let me tell you something colorless walker. I was once you. This person who was lost walking the same colorless path. Devoid not knowing what to do asking the same questions. You attempt to fix yourself without opening yourself to fix it. When you finally open yourself and this may take days, months, hours seconds or every concept of time that is known. No matter how long it takes to do so. When you finally open yourself then you can become one who can walk this colorful path." The colorless walker looks on as the colorful walker passes by, reminiscent of what they just heard. They contemplate the meaning behind those words. Trying to come up with a reasonable description for themselves. They dwell on it some more before resolving to finally accept they will no longer walk this colorless path. The colorless walker begins to wander once more with the words of the colorful walker in mind determined to finally change themselves and walk the colorful path they ever so desired.

The End.

Now I don't know if i'll ever show this to anyone but I don't even know if this can be considered a short story. Or even a story at that. This was just made from my rag tag thoughts that came to mind and just formed a simple concept. Yes when the colorful walker was thinking of a response for the colorless walker that was just me thinking of something to say. Cause trying to come up with a response that sounded well or at least had some sense with less cliche or maybe all the cliche. Was me just trying to figure out how to put it all together. I think the ending or like the last sequence might not flow as well as the other parts or just seems out of place. What i'm talking about is the afterthoughts of the colorless walker and how the colorful walker just walked away. I don't feel like changing it, too much work. But stranger or author or whatever you want to call me aren't you writing all this after the story for us to not even read in the end and not even bother and if this even gets shown. YES AND IDC. I write this because it is easier than rewriting the ending part of that fire all above me. You know what, forget it. I hope you have a great day bye bye.

Written on December,7,2022. By D.E 

Short story-Colorless roadDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora