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ATHENA walked up the pathway to her house, the sun reflecting off the windows. She fished through her bag for the keys to the front door, her bag strap that lay on her shoulders creating a stinging sensation from her sunburn, caused by a beach trip a week prior. The summer weather had taken a toll on athena's hair, going blonder the further time went by, as she found her keys and pushed the door open with a creak, athena heard her father on the phone.

This sparked curiosity in her as she snuck behind the wall to eavesdrop in the call.
"-California will be great susan, don't stress about the cost i've got it all under control. ...-oh she'll be fine, look theas home i'll go and break the news,..-bye suze, ..bye."

her father dragged out the fine, and quickly shoved the phone down with a clang.

California? We were headed on a trip? And Susan, who is she? Athena wondered as she quickly sped to her bedroom, shutting her door quietly, hearing footsteps headed this way. Cost as-well? We had no money, what did he mean by breaking the news? Was this trip bad?

The footsteps came to a halt in front of her room, her heart beating fast as three fast knocks sounded on the door. "Athena, I need to speak to you."

she struggled to find her words before he came inside anyway. so much for privacy. He found her sitting on her bed, criss cross sorting through her cassette tape collection, trying to seem normal.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" she looked up to her father, who stood in the doorway with his arms crossed staring down at her.

"I've always wanted to get away from Australia, and I think I've made a good decision to move to California. It'll be good up there, a fresh start. -"

Wait what? This was not what Athena expected at all, a trip was okay, but moving away? Across the world, away from everything and everyone she loves, the only people left that once knew her mother, her family. How could he not think of such things and move us away?

Athena zoned out, thinking of all the worst things possible.

"-and she has a daughter, she's 14, it'll be good for her to have a sister to look up to, it'll be fun Thea."

"Who has a daughter?" she went back to her father, finally snapping out of her trance.

"Susan. Did you listen to a word I said? We move in 3 weeks too, so you better start packing. And don't worry about your mothers stuff, they are staying back here, i'm going to try and sell some stuff, make some more money to help get us over to america."

"Sell it?! Why would you do that! It was my mums, you're just going to sell her stuff to be with your new so-called girlfriend?!"

she couldn't believe it, everything he was telling her just sounded like a load of bullshit in athena's ears. Sell her stuff? New girlfriend? America? This was all too much for athena.

"Get out." she couldn't even look back at him as tears welled in her eyes.

Peter stood there confused as to what she was going on about, until she yelled at him once more, that was when he took the hint. "They have zero value Athena. You should know better by agreeing with me. They are getting sold no matter what. Don't even think about questioning it young lady." he said with a stern voice as he slammed her door shut.

Athena has always had a fear of change. Ever since Stacey died, she looked at everything with a new perspective. She kept the same friends throughout her lives, stays loyal to anything and everyone she knows, and has learnt to never take anything for granted.

Apart from her father. She never liked him. Gambling away all of her mothers hospital fees for her to stay alive was better than keeping the one he loved most.

Smoking and drinking were better than working to save his wife's life.

Getting a new girlfriend and removing all memories of Stacey's life and presence was better than staying in Australia, a country, once his home, a place he used to love.

Instead of worshipping the ground Stacey walked on, he cheated, lied and wasted his own life away, before making the choice to end his once lovers life because he simply couldn't afford it.

Athena never liked her father. She knew she never would, and ever could.


shitty first chapter, promise I'm working on my writing skills!! I love criticism so PLEASE leave comments!!

Love Spellrina x

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