chapter 11

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Four years ago

"Ao'nung, you don't understand. This is real! I know what I saw," Mi'reya hissed at him, tears in her eyes.

Ao'nung scratched his face as he tapped his foot in annoyance. "Reya, listen to me. It's impossible."

"I know what I saw. War! Toruk Makto will bring us nothing but danger. He had not defeated the Sky People; he is too weak!" Mi'reya cried, trembling from the vision she saw.

It was often Mi'reya who visited the Spirit Tree, seeking some comfort and peace from her constant nightmares, but what she saw was so real that she didn't know if she could call it a dream. It felt so real. Her soul sister brutally murdered by the Sky People, many Na'vi dead, burning villages, and it was all because of Toruk Makto. There wasn't anything exact in what she saw, but the flashes of blood and Sky People murdering everyone were enough for her. It was too much for the thirteen-year-old girl.

"Mi'reya, why must you believe everything you see? You can't be that naive to think there is another war!"

Mi'reya flinched at the use of her first name, more tears gathering in her eyes as she trembled. "Do you call me a liar?"

Ao'nung sighed as he calmed himself slightly; he didn't want to believe Mi'reya's words; they couldn't be true. "I do not, Reya. But we can't go to father with this; Toruk Makto is not a danger to us; he is supposed to save us. Maybe you saw the old war."

"I am sure that the Omaticaya don't have tulkuns, and even if they did, I am sure that my spirit sister wouldn't be there," she shouted, pulling on her hair in frustration as to why Ao'nung didn't believe her.

"Look, Mi'reya-" Ao'nung began, trying to calm her, seeing how the girl was about to explode.

"No! There is no 'look, Mi'reya' do not try to reason with me; we are to go to your father this second. I don't want another word from you," Mi'reya snapped, heading towards the water, ready to call for her skimwing.

"Mi'reya!" he shouted, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. "You will not go to my father. Do we understand one another? Going to my father will only increase the threat, he will wish to help Toruk Makto."

Mi'reya's eyes glared at the place he held her, but she came to realize he wouldn't let her go. "Let go of me, Ao'nung. How are we supposed to lead the clan if you can't use your brain!"

"Me?" Ao'nung scoffed as he looked at the sky. "You are the one that's not thinking this through! Are you that stupid?"

"Do not call me stupid," Mi'reya hissed, baring her teeth, her eyes close to slits. "You will do the clan no good if you are to lead us. You will bring us to our doom!"

"I am the son of the chief, and I am to be the Olo'eyktan of this clan. If I would want to, I could get rid of you the second," Ao'nung seethed, already regretting his words as he saw the tears gathering in Mi'reya's eyes.

Mi'reya knew well enough that he couldn't get rid of her, even if he tried considering it was Tonowari and Ronal that chose her, and until they died, he had nothing to say in the matter. "You always told me how I am connected to Eywa! You can't tell me this is not a message!"

"This is not message," Ao'nung snapped. "You are acting irrationally even if it was! You can't interfere; Eywa doesn't want us to interfere!"

"My Eywa! How are you so stupid and small-headed? If she had given it me, it is for a reason!" Mi'reya screamed, thrusting her arm in hopes he would let her go, but he didn't.

"Can you just shut your mouth for once in your life?"

"Me? I have to listen to your constant idiocy! Like, excuse me. At moments I would rather be dead than be with you. How are we supposed to work together!"

"Nobody is forcing you to stay! Go run off like you always said you would. I am sure there will be a new Tsahik easily found to replace you."

"Go on! Do that! I see you have been trying to replace me for ages now. What's stopping you?"

Tears were rolling down both of their cheeks, neither meaning a word they said, but they couldn't stop the anger they felt. They were still too young to understand emotions. The feeling of hatred and the unknown is daunting on both of them, making them paranoid and act without thinking.

"Let me go, Ao'nung," Mi'reya hissed quietly, her voice oddly calm before she looked at him and began screaming and thrashing. "Ao'nung, I swear to Eywa, if you don't let me go, I will kill you. Just let me go!"

Ao'nung let go of Mi'reya, pushing her back slightly, in both shock and disgust of himself. Mi'reya didn't waste a second and ran off, neither of them knowing this would be the last conversation they had had for a long time.

There was no more Ao'nung and Mi'reya.

love <3


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