Your eyes

38 2 2

Ships: Driam, Platonic Jenry

Genre: Fluff & Romantic

Any triggers: Slight swearing

Any warnings: None

As all the students heard the bell rang, Drew reached out his earphones from his pouch and plugged it into his phons as he opened the GachaTube app and started watching his favorite Gachatubers.

While he is doing that, he began to walk towards the door as the students leave before him until he heard some footsteps behind him, making him turned around to see his friends.

Jake, Henry and Liam, they were all smiling at him.

But Drew had an annoyed look on his face, his friends looks like an idiot, "What? What are you three smiling at?" He asked.

Liam spoke up first as he grinned, "Well, Henry said that he wanted to invite us to his house and we were wondering If you wanted to come over?" He answered with a small smile.

Drew raised his eyebrows with curiousity, "Did we have a sleepover days ago in my place and why is it happening again?" He asked.

Henry groaned as he stomped his feet aggressively, gritting his fists, "Come on, Drew! Don't be such a party-pooper!" He grunted.

Drew scoffed, "If it were Henry, I'm sure he's going to make us watch that one boring quirky anime." He says with an eye-roll as Henry glared at him.

Jake nervously laughed, "I mean- My Hero Academia isn't that bad?" He brought up as Henry's eyes sparkled, agreeing to him.

Drew groaned under his breathe as he began to turned away, "Ah, shit, here we go again..." He mumbled as he began to walk away.

"Drew, come on! Don't be like this!" Henry yelled at his back.

As he was walking, Drew looked up, "I can't hear you." He said to him as he looked away, walking down the streets.

Liam started to walk away, "I'll try to convinced him." He says as he walked behind Drew, looking over to his phone and Drew probably didn't notice him since the magenta-haired boy is busy watching videos.

But, Drew notice something fishy, he turned back as he saw Liam behind him.

'Did he follow me here?' Drew thought as he slowly raised his eyebrows to the brunette red-eyed boy.

As Drew stared at him, Liam gulped as he looked as his eyes, 'Is he mad of me?' He thought as they both stared into each other's eyes as some pedestrians walking around them, staring at them confusedly.

Drew suddenly felt embarrassed about the eye contact as he rolled his eyes to look away, "Okay, what do you want and why did you follow me here?" He asked in annoyance.

Liam sweated nervously as he put his hands up, "I-I didn't follow you here! I was going to try convincing you..." He whispered.

Drew looked at him, "Convincing? Me?" Drew asked.

Liam groaned as he looked down, "Ugh... To go to Henry's house, but I'm sure that's not going to be bad at all, right?" He asked.

Drew rolled his eyes, "He's just going to make us watch anime this and that, it's boring." He complained.

Liam nervously smiled, "But I think it's different now, maybe he's going to make us play some games? Or maybe watch some movies?" He convinced, he really tried.

Drew stared at him as Liam looked at him back.

'Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes!' Liam repeatedly says in his mind with an hopeful smile on his face as Drew slightly opened his mouth, about to say something.

"Pass." Drew finally spoke up as Liam's smile quickly faded, he dramatically gasped as he watched the magenta-haired boy walked away.

Liam groaned as he chased behind him, "Drew, come on! Please!" He yelled.

As he was chasing him, Liam suddenly grabbed his arm making Drew suddenly turned to him and while they were looking at each other, they both notice that their hands were holding each other as they both looked down.

Two pedestrians walked passed by them Drew heard one of them said, "Hey, that's kinda gay." He quickly pulled his hand off of his friend as he turned away to hide his flustered face, meanwhile Liam, standing next to him while smiling like an idiot with a red face.

"That was-" Liam coughed, "Awkward..." He nervously laughed.

Drew didn't have to say anything, he just felt really awkward and embarrassed, that's not on purpose, right? I mean, If it was only an accident, Liam would say-

"Uh, s-sorry about that." Liam awkwardly apologized.


Drew only nod his head, he can feel his heart beating fast and he can feel butterflies in his stomach.

'Am I sick? Why am I feeling this?' Drew thought.

"I'll just- go, I guess." Liam gulped as he was about to walk away, Drew have called his name behind him.

"Liam, wait." Drew called as Liam turned to him.

"Uh, yeah?" Liam asked.

"I'll go." Drew simply replied as Liam's eyes went wide, then a smile brought up to his face as he chuckled.

"Alright then."


Driam is so cute, right? I am just a huge multishipper, I ship a lot of ships.

Anyways, thank you for reading this first part of my first book! I am really not a good writer since english is not my first language but I hope you guys still appreciate and loved this!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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