chapter 18

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winter's POV

schools finished and i will be locked in a tower until jack comes to save my. i walk to where i catch the bus and i see jack. Ruben is not with me so i can talk to him.

"jack wait" i say running to him


"yes it me Ruben is not here i need to go see mum" i say putting my arms around him

"and you said you would save me" i add and kiss him on the lips

he is speechless and i know that i have done a lot of kiss

"Ruben is a asshole to me he keep calling me his stuff and i keeps not letting go of my arm" i say looking into jack's eyes looking for answer.

"winter your eyes......" he say "theirr.......purple" he says

i grab my mirror and my eyes are purple.

"they been changing all day you have to help me" i say.

i turn around and see Ruben with something in the hand. i look back at jack and i push him into the pole

"and that is what you get" i say and walk back to Ruben. i hd his hand and we walk to his car.

we drive past Jack still siting on the floor. i can see in the refection of the window that my eyes are red. what is going now with me. ever since i kissed Ruben my eyes that it. Ruben asks me a question but i don't know what is was about because i'm try to think how i can use my eyes to save me.

"winter" he grand my and i slap him across the face

"don't touch me" i say to him

we stop at a red light and i open the door and get out of the car. i run back to school and hope my bus has not left.

i get to my bus stop and the bus just arrived i get on an sit next to jack.

"jack hide me" i say laying down on his lap

"ok " he say and with that the bus drives off.

we drive past Ruben and he had no idea where i am. i tell Jack what happened.

"wow winter this i why i love you" he says giving my a hug

"i know but something tells me that i love Ruben more" i say

"i don't know what Ruben did to you but you need to stop smelling that rose" jack takes my bag and takes out the rose and throws it out the window. along with a pink drink and lots of stuff that has affected me.

we get off the bus and we run home. when i walk inside my mum gives me a big hug and i tell her all what has happened to me.

she looks at my eyes every couple of minutes and write down their colour and what i did. there is the list

- pink kisses or hugs jack or Ruben

- purple see jack

- red if someone hurts her

-green normal

-yellow thinking very hard

-blue when wet

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