2 [ MY NAME IS... ]

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(Should've also put one in the previous chapter 😃)


The next day was a very messy day, from cleaning the house to reading more information that was left on her coffee table

So first and foremost her new name

So.... That's check

Her birthdate is still the same, April 20th

Her age: 16

Height: 5.3


' 5.3!? ' she looked at it in disgust, closed it then peeked at it, and cycle continues until she gave up and accepted it

" Well, there goes my height.... FUCK YOU ALL! ARGH...! ” she shouted at the top of her lungs

The next few days was spent on either reading all the information or learning Korean


" Wait are you saying Jiwoo was tortured? ” the man asked

" Yes. Judging from the scars, he probably went through unspeakable pain... ” the doctor replied

" But... He probably would've been in much worse condition if he weren't already saved ” the doctor added

" What? Are you saying he could've been in a much worse condition if Mr Kayden hadn't saved him? ” the man before asked, horrified

" I didn't. ” the man, Kayden chipped in

The three people minus the unconscious boy, looked at him shocked

" Wh-what? ” the man asked

" When i got there Suman Kang was already in there, but.... ” he looked down for a moment, thinking

" There was another person,a girl and judging from her height and the uniform she's wearing, I'll say she's either 16 or 17 ” he added, confusing the people in the room more than before

" So what you're saying is that there was another person on the sight?” the woman, this time asked

" Yes, and from what i can tell she was already fighting with them for a long time, judging by her bruises and the injury ” he answered

" Injury...!? You mean to tell me Mr Kayden that the girl was injured? Please forgive my tone but i as a doctor have a responsibility ” the doctor said

" .... She was already gone by the time i noticed it ” Kayden said, crossing his arms looking thoughtful

' Just how was she able to run off without being detected by me? ' he thought

' If she was an assassin then maybe... But even then... ' Kayden thought

" We'll need to find her... And fast ” the woman said after a few moments of silence

" Ask Suman Kang, he probably saw her and can describe her more than i do ” Kayden said, walking out

" Mr Kayden is probably so worried about Jiwoo that he didn't notice the girl running away ” the man whispered to the woman

' I heard that! ' Kayden thought but didn't do anything, and just walked out

" There's another thing, his arms, while they might not have been in a worse condition is still badly injured, it'll take a long time for him to heal and even then he'll probably still have problems ” the doctor said, making Kayden stop

A CHANCE TO REDEEM THY SELF [ ELECEED x MHA (Bakugou) ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin