b4 form...

211 21 7

important notes about the slots!!!

im deleting this chapter before i post the cast and stuff bc it ruins the aesthetic/format

i just dk where to put these notes otherwise

the main four protagonists ——
— 2 of them are traveling to beat all eight gyms and elite four and become the champion so they are rivals/ bffs
—— they are also love interests!! so their sexuality has to be open to anyone (bisexual, pansexual, queer, questioning etc.)
—— their partner has to be one of the starters from any region
— one of them wants to be a professor in the future
—— no special notes ab them... will add if i think of something
— one wants to be a pokémon nurse
—— their starter/partner has to be a healer pokémon but the rest of their team can be combat and stuff

the four protags all have the same form BUT!!!

lets say you applied to be traveling to all the gyms and stuff,, and i decided to pick other forms.
but you have a really good form and i want to use it for another slot. (maybe a main maybe a side)
in this scenario lets say i want to change you from a trainer to a healer ,, i'll ask you

1) are you okay w being something else?
2) if you are then id have you change your team to fit the healer slot, meaning your partner pokémon would have to be a healing pokémon.

in another scenario lets say i ask you to change from a trainer to a gym leader i'd ask you to change your team to fit a gym (all your pokémon are one type)

side slots pt 1——
despite being side slots they appear a lot and may or may not have their own arcs too 🫣
— 8 gym leaders (all specialize in one type)
— 4 elites four members (all specialize in one type)
— reigning champion (no specific specialization)

they all have the same form but since i need 12 unique types some forms might overlap with specializations

if you apply for water type and notice someone else applying to specialize in water type you have two options

1. dont change your form! when it comes time to pick forms i will tell you that i chose someone else, BUT, if you still want to, you can change you specialization and then i'll accept your form! you just need to change your team accordingly ^^
2. change your form to another specialization! i can't promise someone else won't also apply for the same one tho so i still might have to ask you to change 😭

what about the champion? if i dont chose your form i might ask you to be a gym leader/member of elite form too in which you'll have to change your team accordingly too.

side slots pt2 ——
team chronos!!!
their motives are unknown for now teehee

— the leader of the team
—— leader has to be straight up evil. no "im evil bc the world is evil but im actually a good person :("!!!!!
— 2-3 elites
—— they might have good or bad motives for joining idk up to you

when choosing their teams!!
pick 'evil' pokémon no cuties like pikachu, jigglypuff, jumpluff etc.

might ask you to be the leader instead of an elite or elite instead of leader wtv it's up to you if you want to change their team tho

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