Go Home Sherlock

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" Kiss me John! "

"No, Sherlock, you are very drunk and it is time to go home!"

"But I looooove you" 

"No you don't. Greg, help me get him outside." John said sternly. Lestrade rushed over from the bar with   Mycroft and dragged the consulting detective to a cab. They shut the door and it drove away.

" I love you so much." Sherlock said. Before John could tell him otherwise, Sherlock pulled him in for a kiss. To his suprise, John really enjoyed the kiss, and pulled Sherlock in for another one. Some time later, Sherlock turned to John in the bed.

" Are you still awake?" he asked.

" yes."

" Just so you know, I wasnt actually drunk."

Go Home SherlockWhere stories live. Discover now