Chap. #4 ~ Packing up

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*Chaeyoung sit's on your lap and hugs you, after taking her makeup off*
Chaeyoung: baby you smell really nice, I might steal your perfume from you.
Y/n: no you won't because that's my favorite one. *Chaeyoung starts to kiss you on you're neck* your sneaky you know that.*Chaeyoung does a little love bite* * you hold back the moan* Chae does the girls know that you are starting first? *She nods* good.
*Chaeyoung kisses you on the lips passionately*
*Momo enters an joins you guys as the girls come the more steamy it gets*
In the morning
*You wake up in the master bedroom with Mina and Dahyun*
*You sit up and you look at Mina and Dahyun with a smile, you slowly get off the bed without waking up Mina and Dahyun,you putted on the clothes that were in the bathroom that had your name on it.* *You walk out of the bathroom and saw that Mina woke up and was standing there waiting for you to get out*
(This is what your wearing)

* *You walk out of the bathroom and saw that Mina woke up and was standing there waiting for you to get out*(This is what your wearing)

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Y/n: Hi did I wake you up? *She shakes her head as a no*
Mina: I didn't feel you on the bed so I woke up.
Y/n: well get dressed while I go and make breakfast for everyone.
Mina: Once I'm done I'll go down and help you. *You nod your head and gave Mina a quick peck before you left to make breakfast*
*After a few minutes Mina came down to help you with the food*
*As you finish you hear footsteps coming to the dinning table where the food was*
Y/n: no one touch the food, let me finish these toasts and then we can eat.
The girls accept Mina: you made all this?
Y/n: with Mina's help. *You said as you place the toast's on the table* oh I called Yeji unnie to come and eat with us. *Someone knocks on the door* coming!!
*You open the door and you see Yeji standing there* come in the food is ready.
Everyone: thank you for the food!!
After everyone finished eating you started to clean up.
Jihyo: babe let me do that since you cooked for us.
Y/n: It's fine, I don't mind doing the chores.
Jihyo: no babe I insist on doing them so go and put shoes on so we can go and buy the stuff you need for moving. While the others stay with Yeji.
Y/n: No, you go with Momoring to buy the boxes and tape with my card, while I work on the house with the others.ok?
Jihyo: fine I'll go with Momo, but I don't want to use your card. *you tilt your head a little* I'll pay for it since you payed for the food yesterday.
Y/n: hey you don't have to do that you know that I did it because I wanted to.
*Jihyo gives you a peck on the lips and went straight to the kitchen to put the dishes in the dishwasher* Jiji don't give me a kiss and act like didn't hear anything * you start to pout*
Jihyo: babe it's fine, I'll buy the stuff with my card so stop pouting. Momoring let's go!!
Momo: I'm right here*she says standing up from the couch* see ya in a bit cutie *she says before she kisses you*
Jihyo: see ya in a bit babe*she said and kissed you*
30 minutes later in your house
Dahyun: Love who is this?*she asks as she holds a picture of you toxic friend you had*
Y/n: a traitor,can you rip the picture for me Dubu?
Dahyun: of course love.*she rips the picture and throws it in the trash*
Mina: Honey I found a lot of plushies in your closet and found this bear one that looks kinda old.
(This is the teddy bear she was holding)

Y/n:*you quickly look up to see the plushie* mister bear!! You found him I thought I lost him!!! Thank you!! *You hug Mina* you found the last thing I have of my real mom

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Y/n:*you quickly look up to see the plushie* mister bear!! You found him I thought I lost him!!! Thank you!! *You hug Mina* you found the last thing I have of my real mom. Thank you!! *You give Mina a quick peck before you left the room* Yeji unnie!! Minari found mister bear!!!!
Yeji: really!!! I thought you had lost it!!
Y/n: look!! *You show her mister bear* he's a little dirty but I just have to wash him by hand a he will be as good as new.
*You said as you go upstairs to continue to work* *you putted him in a box you know that he would be there*
After you finish packing everything accept your clothes you spent your time with the girls because yeji left to Seoul because she had to go to work.
*You moved in and everything went smoothly*

Next chapter!!!!

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