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   The journey has been hard. We have been through so much. The zombie apocalypse started almost eleven years ago. It began in a mental hospital where my dad was working on a case he had been assigned. I got to see the infected when it first became the monster it was. It was unlike any other thing I had ever seen; blood running down its chin, blood covering its body, skin missing all over its body and the thing I remember the most, is its black fingertips. It was the fourth of July when it escaped from its imprisonment at the mental hospital. The likely hood of someone from within the hospital surviving the infected person was none. It ravaged the city, corrupting anyone in its sight, where we had a beautiful home with just me, my mother, my dog, and my father. My dad, Dan, worked for an FBI agency which put him in this specific case to see what the cause was. My mother, Jennifer, was the most special person to me. She took me everywhere with her and always tried to protect me. It was always my safety before her own. She got bit as we were trying to flee the city. She wrapped herself around me ever so tightly so that I may avoid a deadly bite from this mysterious creature. This all changed once the infection broke out. I lost my mother that night by my own hand. I shot her to save my father from her fatal bite.
   That is when we found that the bite of an infected was fatal, one hundred percent. This caused me to have nightmares of my past, depression from losing my mother, and anxiety about the outside world: the world where the dead and the living practically lived side by side; however, it was not in harmony. After fighting our way through infected we made it to an apartment complex where we stayed for seven years. That is when it all went down hill. A group or people invaded our home and I nearly killed all of them except for one, Damien. That day, my dad left for their camp and did not come back. I did not know whether he was ambushed by bandits or turned into an infected. My dad always told me, beware the dead. This I kept in mind even after he had left.
   That is when Damien and I set out to his camp. When we had gotten to his camp me and my dog, Rubble, we were kindly accepted into the family. We lived a while there then me and Damien fell in love. A few people did not like our love and tried to change things. Luke, Damien's brother, suffered the fatal consequences for touching me, death. A while later, the camp was invaded by infected and the camp slowly burned down to the ground. It was a horrific sight, but at that camp, I got to see the birth of a new life coming into the world; however, the mother died that night, leaving the father to fend for the baby by himself. I helped him so much to begin raising her. We had to find a place because that was when I found out that I, too, was going to have a baby.

   We began our long, relentless journey to Camp Haven. This camp was miles away and would take us months to get there. It was a risk we were all willing to take for the sake of me and Damien's baby. The journey, that took us almost seven months to finish, was finally over. No more walking, no more cold, and no more infected. Camp Haven is a beautiful camp where Damien and I could start a family at. We can have our baby here and raise a family. Here, we can forget about the infected lurking outside these gates. We can forget about the hardships that happened outside. We can forget about the people we lost. The people we have met when first coming into the camp are lovely people and the best part is... I found my father, at last.

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