Part 2

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Josie and Diana sat together in the front row of the classroom. Betty sat right beside Josie on the bench. Josie could smell her perfume of blooming honeysuckle and it made her feel slightly uncomfortable about how close they were sitting.

"So what's going on with you?"

Diana leaned in and asked Josie.

"What? Nothing is going on with me. What are you talking about?" Josie asked Diana a bit flustered that she had noticed her dumbfounded behavior with Betty.

Diana raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything else. Suddenly a handsome and debonair man entered the room. He had blonde waves of hair lying curled on his forehead. He was tanned and wore a blue collared shirt and pants. Josie had never mentioned this to anyone but she could definitely make good analysis of people's character. She could tell that this new teacher of their's was definitely a fashion geek and encouraged innovative ideas. He spoke in a deep and full voice, filled with confidence.

"Hello class! I'm your new professor, John Thompson. So introductions are in order but I'll learn your names soon enough. First I'd like to know your assessment of fashion in general and your designing style in particular. That would help you all to develop in the long run. So go ahead pick a fabric of your choice and create something fabulous!

Betty immediately sprang to her feet like she'd been waiting for this moment since eternity. She ran her hands through all the soft, delicate myriads of colored cloth. She finally settled on a bold shade of red and started wrapping the cloth around her mannequin. Josie watched,mesmerized, as Betty spun the cloth along and worked out what color accessories to add to her creation. Josie wracked her brain on what to do. Everyone had started off with something. Diana was working on a midnight blue dress and dazzling bright dresses had lit up the room like a rainbow with all the colors. Then a light bulb went off in Josie's head and suddenly it was like her hands knew what to do themselves. Her fingers moved with the speed of lightning and when she stepped back from her finished piece, Josie Pye was filled with pride. The dress was the prettiest shade of emerald green.

It had tulles and frills and a cut right around the thigh. The collarbone of the dress was twined with small green flowers and a pearl was beset in their center. Father would hate the boldness of the dress, Josie thought. That just made her love it more.

As Mr Thompson made his way through the dresses, she saw him flash a smile at Betty's as he should because her dress was breathtaking.

The dress just had a single red strap and the rest was just tulles of red fabric piled on top of one another.

No decorations on the dress. It's simplicity was what blew everyone away. When suddenly he made his way to Josie's. He gaped at the dress for a full minute before saying," Well looks like we've got two exceptional students in our class." Betty gave her the most beautiful smile just as Mr Thompson dismissed the class. Josie was beaming as she collected her things because she'd never been praised as such by a teacher and never had she felt so alive and passionate about something.

Josie felt a slight nudge at her shoulder and she turned to find herself face to face with Betty.

Betty said, "Your dress was really stunning. I've never seen anything like it! Perhaps you'd like to discuss dresses and fashion with me after lunch by the willow in the courtyard?"

Josie's brain was muddled and she didn't know if it was Betty's alluring perfume or if she was just losing her mind.

Josie just nodded and smiled just a s Betty gave her the biggest hug and skipped out.

I'm being an idiot for some reason Josie thought as she walked out of the room.

Josie found all the girls twittering about in the dorm. All of them were gossiping about their lectures but Jane was rambling on and on about how gorgeous her professor had been. Josie would've normally joined right into the conversation but not today. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts about Betty.

"And Josie Pye is a fashion genius!"

Diana exclaimed.

Josie snapped out of her reverie and looked at Diana dumbly and she continued

" Come now don't act all surprised. That was the most beautiful dress I've ever seen!"

"Betty's was much better than mine though." Josie said.

"Please they were equally gorgeous. Also you seem to pay a lot of attention to what Betty does?"

Diana asked, her eyebrow cocked impishly.

Josie blushed slightly before saying

"I've no idea what you're talking about."

She looked down at her gold watch and noticed that lunch break was almost over.

"Well this was a splendid talk ladies..alas I must rush..see you later."

Josie said, hurrying out of the room to avoid explanations.

She found Betty sitting by the willow.

Her head was arched over her notebook as she made rough sketches of a dress. Her blonde curls hung loose covering her face and the pink streaks in her hair glistened in the sun. Betty looked up to see Josie watching and greeted her with her signature picture perfect smile. Josie hesitated slightly before sitting down beside Betty on the grass.

"Did you just come up with that?" Josie asked with a sense of childlike wonder and curiosity.

The dress resembled the willow with its green and brown streaks and the maple leaves circling the bodice of the dress.

Betty nodded and said, " This is a notebook full of dresses I've made since I was a child. I've known I wanted to be a fashion designer since forever."

She handed Josie the book and as she flipped through it, she couldn't help but feel true admiration for Betty's work. Every design was different and unique from the rest and they left a firm impression on the person's mind.

At last Josie could only breathe out a wow before handing her back the book. Josie said, " I have to admit your skill really is amazing. I must tell you though... I really didn't have an inkling that I wanted to be a fashion designer though. My father forced me into the course because of...circumstances. I'm not a dreamer like you are. I'm supposed to finish the course and then go back and marry into a honorable household. I'm just a fraud honestly."

Betty gave her an odd look before saying, "That dress you made speaks otherwise. If you don't mind my asking..why did your father force you into the course?

Slowly and silently Josie told her everything till she was raw and completely free. As she spoke all the resentment and anger she'd carried for years ebbed out of her body as Josie felt her heart feel whole again. Betty rubbed a consoling hand across her back as she listened patiently.

"You should know you're an incredibly brave person. All that torment you faced in that household at such a young age scarred you but it also made you stronger. Don't underestimate yourself and if it makes you feel better I'm there for you."

Josie looked down as Betty's fingers intertwined with hers and smiled thinking that she finally felt like she understood that she wasn't alone after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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