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Cuddles when he's sad

Plays with Bruce's hair

Sleeps in alot

Wakes up in the cutest but wierdest positions

If he cries too much he starts hiccuping.

Can not share a bed with someone bc he's too fond of hugging his pillows since he was a kid so when you wake up you wake up to Vance sleep hugging you

⬆️⬆️He used to hug his pillows whenever his parents would fight and he hugged them ALOT

Knows how to braid hair

Wheres hoodies in summer and sleevless shirts during winter

Can't feel heat or the cold as much as a normal person.

Has the comfiest bed of the whole group

Sleeps in whatever pants but no shirt bc he slays?- 🙄🤭 + he just gives off that vibe yknow?

Has a few over sized shirts and he looks so good in them that it's not even funny

Plays with Vance's hair

Only owns a few hoodies but Vance gives him spare ones

Almost always has his window open

Sleeps with socks on 🤢

Favourite food is chicken soup or mangoes

Has a dog

Sleeps easily

Once fell asleep on Vance and griffin told him what happened 'you wouldn't get off of Vance and he tried so hard not to wake you up' he cried that night. Happy tears

Hates bees even though he isn't allergic

Despises flies 🪰

Scared of the ocean

Mortified of heights

Hates his bullies with a burning passion


Has ALOT of hoodies

Hates pineapples and pineapple flavored stuff

Good at drawing

He has asthma but not bad asthma, so he can still run, but only for a certain amount of time

Despises chalk

Loves salmon hates sushi

There's not alot of finney sorry)


Hates birds even though he is named after one

Whenever he's mad he speaks Spanish and just yells stuff like: "NADIE AQUÍ EN LA TIERRA MERECE VIVIR ODIO A TODOS" and then says: "Ok, lo retiro ahora" 
The first one says : Nobody here on earth deserves to live I hate everyone
The other one: ok I take it back now

Despises puffy jackets

Loves Disney movies

Once tried to grow his hair out. Vance hated it so much that he cut it while robin was sleeping

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