Music Headcannons.

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Now this is just me projecting into the character I kin but Luz is always singing. Even if she's just humming under her breath or randomly breaking out in song .


Amity used to do choir singing but then had to quit to focus on her studies. She knows all about harmonies and stuff like that so she often joins in with Luz when she hears her singing, creating cute little duets.


In the show there's a guitar in Gus's room so I'm assuming he plays. Gus plays classical guitar, he knows how to read music and is very good at finger plucking.


Willow listens to heavy metal and/or punk music. No one can tell me otherwise. She especially listens to it when working out to get her energy pumping.


Vee doesn't listen to that much music but will enjoy listening to the music that Camilia puts on when cooking.


Hunter always wanted to learn an instrument but couldn't when he was in the Emperor's Coven so Hunter being Hunter he read everything he could about it, basically learning how to play in his head. When he left the Emperor's Coven and joined the C.A.T.'s Rain taught him how to play the flute. When the whole craziness is over in the Boiling Iles, Hunter decided to learn bard magic. 

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