chapter six : the place where men get boner's

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No body's PoV:

Amane suddenly awoke to the sounds of murmurings and even though the only thing he could see was pitch black he can now confirm that he's in the beach currently tied up next to usagi and arisu,

~4 minutes later~

After what seems like forever the militants finally took the sacks of their heads while the hatter appeared behind them , amane glance in front of him to see mira and Ann standing there , amane noticed that Mira seems to not recognize him ,huh probably because that robot system thing only give them his name no description what so ever,

( If some of you might be confused if the interactions are different please remember that this is an au Wich means some original interactions might be different and some characters can be slightly ooc)

"State your names" says one of the militants that are beside the hatter , amane can see both of his comrades hesitate before answering their names, until it was his turn,

"What about You pipsqueak " the same militants spat mockingly,

"Amane. Amane kizuko" he simply said,he could see Mira's eyes widen with realization before going back to her usual poker face,

(Uki so I'm gonna skip that part where hatter explains shit because amane fell asleep on tha whole shit)

They went to the place where the 4 diamonds
Game is gonna take place,

Amane PoV:

We went to the game, and well...... I did not expect my self to admit it but I kinda got excited when the water started rising , something about my other self's rising adrenaline or somethin', while the others were literally panicking (except for Ann and kuina ) I was there swimming in the water I know Ann's probably looking at me funny but I don't care I know arisu going to crack this one out in no time.
Ya know what maybe not as fast as I anticipated, now I really gotta go and give arisu a boost so we can finish this faster , I went to him and say,

"Hey arisu can I ask you somethin' ?"

"WHAT IS IT?!" arisu asked panicking

"What do you feel when you touch a light bulb after it was lit?" I say calmly,

"ITS HEA-" I each a a slow realization hits his face, and he finally made his move, he flipped each lever and asked kuina to see Wich lever made the bulb heat up, when kuina touched swich A's she suddenly flinched and toppled backwards, and arisu confirmed that swich A is the answer.
So after that test of faith we returned to the beach and I was hoping to get some sleep, but then hatter decided to arrive complementing us while he invite me and arisu to the so called executive meeting , Wich makes me annoyed because I just came back from the most boringest game here existing making me tired , and when I came back to the place where I should actually sleep I was stoped by some gay looking guy telling me to go to his stupid executive meeting, this just makes me question my life even more, god where ever you are I hope you're having a good time watching me die inside.
Walking to the meeting place was boring as f*ck , I felt even more bored when they just told us to stand there and do nothing, I could see kuzuryu and Mira glancing at me
( Mira told him) and hesitating to probably grabbing a chair so I could sit on it , I don't blame them i also want to grab a chair so I could sit on it, then hatter started talk about him renewing his visa or sum idk I zoned out,
After hatter ended his visa talk everyone  turned to look at me snoring with my head down low standing, even arisu turned to look at me funny ( also noticed chishiya looking at me with a raised brow but we don't talk about that) and decided to shake me awake whispering,

"Um amane ,amane! Wake up"

"Zz- wha- oh" I said groaning, I could see mira standing up with a bright smile getting everyone's attention to her and yes even chishiya,

"I should escort Mr kizuko to his room,he seems tired" she says calmly, when kuzuryu suddenly spoke ,

"I should come with just in case" now it was niragi's turn to raise his brow at me, with that hatter seems to agree letting Mira walk up to me gently telling me to come with them while kuzuryu waits for us at the door, I could feel everyone stare at us while we were exiting the door Wich made me feel creeped out but at the same time relieved because I can finally sleep in peace 😌.
There was really no one in the hall Wich is confusing ' I thought this place is supposed to be bustling with noise day or night a little sus if you ask me'

"So uh" the both of them stoped walking and turned to look at me questioningly ,

" Um so Wich part of the building exactly are we? Just in case I won't get lost tommorow"

Mira smiled and continued walking while explaining,

"We're currently at the private part of the building, where the executives are staying, since you are you know 'what' you were given special treatment curtsey by me and kuzuryu,
And we thought you might want to be undisturbed by the noise of all the party's going on every day , and also to ensure your safety, we asked you to be put here because this part is heavily guarded by the militants."

And we finally stopped in front of a luxurious looking door, kuzuryu was the one who spoke this time ,

"To make sure you are well and also comfortable, we made it clear to the militants  that they will tend to your needs when we cannot, and you can also ask them to tell you or escort you where we are of you need us for any thing. Oh and we forgot to mention you could also ask them for direction"

They bowed and left leaving me alone by my self on an empty hallway, or so I thought when someone suddenly spoke behind me,

"I wonder, what's so special about you"


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