Chapter 1 - The Fall: Part One

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Jiang Yanli

Jiang Yanli had tried very hard to have, at least, some relations with Jin Zixuan her entire life.

Her mother didn't want her sending any letters unless proofread by her first, and Jiang Yanli didn't see how she could ever foster a relationship with a boy with her mother so closely supervising it. Sure, at discussion conferences and other events, one might think to strike up conversation, but Jin Zixuan was always surrounded by his parents, his rude cousin or his friend Luo Qingyang, who Jiang Yanli was embarrassed to admit stirred jealousy in her.

When she set off with her brothers to the Cloud Recesses, her heart filled with hope. Female and male disciples were separated, and the rule applied to all of the guest's as well, but she could see herself finally making conversation with Jin Zixuan, as Jin Zixun was likely going to be punished, and Luo Qingyang seemed devoted to her studies, which gave her ample time to find her betrothed with nobody else around them. So long as her brothers steered clear of them as well, which was unlikely.

However, she is but a girl! And a maiden can to nothing if not hope.

However, she has this nagging feeling...Like she forgot something important...


The invitation! How could she forget? She thought she had everything packed and ready!

Nevertheless, they made it inside, and Jiang Yanli was getting ready for bed. Earlier than she would like, but classes start at six, with the expectation that they meditate for an hour before them, so she was preparing to turn in early.

The opening ceremony had been today, where each sect invited presented a gift to the Grandmaster, and the rules of the Cloud Recesses were stated.

Jiang Yanli wouldn't lie, the rules bored her completely, even if she tried to listen.

The second time she had zoned out, she made eye contact with the Lan heir, breaking her out of it. He smiled knowingly at her as she blushed, though she felt grateful the person who caught her was Lan Xichen, and not Lan Wangji. He seemed so cold! A-Xian was truly brave waving at him.

Jiang Yanli sighed, and her dorm mate went behind the privacy screen. Usually, her family would request for her to be alone in her room, but the Cloud Recesses was notoriously fair, and only the core family, and married couples got single housing. She hadn't made any conversation with her dorm mate, but she hopes to. Her dorm mate is an outer disciple, and Jiang Yanli is hoping that she could be some help when a particularly confusing lesson or assignment comes. She also wishes to know the secrets of being able to come up with such a strict regime.

Jiang Yanli slipped into her bed, hair braided and flung over her shoulder. As her dorm mate comes back from behind the privacy screen, she takes this moment to properly introduce herself.

She bows her head, hands in lap. "Hello miss, I am Jiang Yanli. Its very nice to meet you, I hope to be friends during my stay here." It was a common enough thing for her to say, but she meant it almost every time.

Her dorm mate bowed her head in return, not meeting her gaze. "This one is named Luo Bin. I am happy to be sharing a room with you during the summer lectures. If you need any help with adjusting to the Cloud Recesses, I could help you become familiar with the routine."

Luo Bin still adverted her gaze to the floor, but Jiang Yanli was used to servants doing so. "Thats relieving. I will probably be taking advantage of that hehe... Well, I suppose it would be best to head to bed then, though I might have trouble going to sleep so early, even if I would consider myself someone with a heathy sleep schedule." Jiang Yanli turned to the wall as her dorm mate snuffed the candles.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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