Chapter 17: Grief

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Steven was left reeling from the loss of the woman he loved. He was consumed by grief and guilt, unable to come to terms with what had happened. He felt responsible for her death, as if he could have done something to prevent it. He was plagued by nightmares and flashbacks of the confrontation, reliving the moment she was killed over and over again.

He became withdrawn and isolated, shutting himself off from the world. He stopped going to work and stopped seeing friends and family. He couldn't bear to be around people, as they reminded him of the life he had lost. He spent most of his days locked in his apartment, going through her belongings and staring at her pictures. He was lost in a cycle of grief and regret.

He felt like he had nothing left to live for, and that his life was over. He felt like he had failed the woman he loved, and that he had failed himself. He was consumed by a deep sense of hopelessness and despair.

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