-Part 1-

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Alya started her day as any other. She got up out of bed, made her bed, tidied the room, cooked breakfast, served the breakfast and called the others down. You see, Alya's parents were dead. Her father died of a heart attack and her mother died during childbirth. She's lived in the orphanage all her life, moving from home to home. No one wanted to keep her, she was 'a bit to old' for their liking. She didn't mind. It meant that she could watch the others grow and find their forever homes. She was happy for them whenever they did. And if it didn't work out, they would always come back. Back to her. And she would comfort them. She would reassure them. Anyways, Alya had made breakfast for the kids. They didn't have much so she just made some porridge. Of course, she didn't make any for herself so that the others could have some more than usual. She never ate breakfast nowadays. To be fair, she never really ate anything anymore. It was unhealthy, but no one seemed to notice except for the occasional kid. But she would always lie and say "Oh I've been naughty and I've sneaked some snacks in here and there. "But of course, that was never true. The kids seemed to view her as a carer instead of a big sister or just another child in the system, they always gave her the letters from school, ore they gave her drawings. Sometimes they gave her Mother's Day cards, which she put in a box and cherished. She never corrected them if they called her "mama" or "mummy" or any other variations, it made her inside light up. But as she stood there, watching them eat, making sure that the toddler at the table didn't make too much mess, a man stepped into the room with one of the carers. The man was tall, with slick black hair put back in a ponytail. He had light brown eyes that looked almost orange and he was wearing a two-piece, black suit. He had a defined jawline and a serious face as he scanned the room. The children hadn't noticed him come in, otherwise they would've gone silent but they were still chatting away happily. As he scanned the room, hands in his pockets, his eyes fixed on Alya. He adjusted his weight and turned to the carer to say something before walking out. The carer, with a shocked and confused face followed him, looking back at her. Alya swallowed nervously, she didn't have a geed feeling about the man. She shook her head and turned her focus back onto the toddler the toddler who had managed to pour porridge all the way down his front. She sighed and grabbed a wet cloth, rubbing his clothes with it until the porridge came out. After everyone had finished their porridge, she sent them upstairs to brush their teeth, the carers will be waiting for them by now. Alya picked up the bowls and spoons and placed them next to the sink so that they could get cleaned later on. The carer from before stepped into the room carefully, "Alya? "Alya turned her head to look at the carer stood in the doorway, "Alya, there's a man here to see you. "


"What do you mean?"

"Well I'm 17, and I'm turning 18 in, like, 8 months. I'll be out by August. "

"I know, but he's met all of the requirements, we can't just turn him down. "

"Then I'll tell him myself. "

"It doesn't work like that. If he signs the paperwork then he'll be your new guardian. Your father by law, "Alya relaxed her shoulders, there was no point in arguing, "Fine. I'll see him." The carer smiled at her in response, "Great, he'll be in the visitor's room in 10 minutes. I'll be there to introduce you two." Alya nodded, turning away, "I guess I'll see you there." And then she walked over to her room. The orphanage was big enough for the children to have their own separate rooms, unless they asked to share, which a few of them have. Alya, naturally, wanted to have her own room for privacy. She sat on the small bed in the corner of the room and looked out the window. Her room was on the ground floor, meaning that she was level with the overgrown garden. Despite the recent frosts, the garden still seemed to be thriving and full of life. Alya grabbed a new pair of jeans and a white crop top, along with her long, black, knitted cardigan and a black belt with silver studs. She shut the curtains and got changed into her new outfit, letting her deep blue to teal hair fall half way down her back. After changing, she put on her knee-length rainbow socks and her tall platform boots. Then she made sure that her feather pendant was facing the right way. She cherished that necklace and she never took it off. Although, she didn't know why. She guessed it was just because of the memories she has with it on. After she made sure she was ready, Alya headed over to the visitors' room, it had definitely been more than 10 minutes and she didn't mind. For all she cared, that man could wait for the rest of the day. When she opened the door, she instantly heard her carer, "There you are! We were waiting for you. Anyways, Alya, this is Mr. Ashford. Mr. Ashford, this is Alya. I'll leave you two alone to bond. "And with that, the carer was gone. Alya sat down on an armchair, looking at the man sat in front of her. He couldn't be any older than 24, he looked so young. "Hello Alya," Mr. Ashford said. Alya stayed quiet, crossing her legs and glaring at him with an unamused face. "I can tell you already don't like me. Either that, or you don't want to be adopted. "

"I'm almost 18, I don't need to be adopted. "

"Yes. I thought you might say that. Look just give me 3 months, please. And you don't need to view me as a father figure. Just an older brother will do. "

"Why don't you just adopt any of the other kids? You know, one you don't have to bargain with. "

"Because...you are special in ways you couldn't imagine "

"No, I'm not."

"Look, just give me 3 months to show you. Please?" There was a long pause of silence. "Fine. I'll give you 3 months, but after that, you are bringing me right back here. "Mr. Ashford smiled at her, "Great! I'll sign the paperwork and come to get you tomorrow morning, you know, so you can say goodbye to everyone. "Juniper said nothing, she just stood up, nodding and walked out. Once she was gone, Mr. Ashford smiled, "Perfect. That's all of them now. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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