Latios The Eon Dragon

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Chapter 14

No One POV

Currently both Rimuru and Leaf are on Latios's secret island called The Southern Island as it's where Latios and Latias alike come to this island to raise their young and spend some of their time until they are comfortable and strong enough to head out into the real world and see what it has to offer. As Rimuru is wondering why a Latios that is pretty much 70 years old is stuck in a place like this all alone as apparently he doesn't see any Latias around so he's pretty much lonely, but most of all he's more curious as to why he brought them to his island.

Leaf:*looking around*I must say this island is really beautiful and tranquil I could get used to something like this. she said while looking around

Rimuru: yeah and there's no other Pokémon as well it's just a basic island in the middle of nowhere but how did I not see it while we was in the plane I'm sure that we've would've seen it. he wondered out loud

Latios: it's because we keep it invisible to the human eye as only other Pokémon are able to see this island, and if your wondering how you guys were able to see while flying on top of me is because I used some of my powers on you. he answered his question

Rimuru: I see so it's your way of telling us that you trust us. he said to him

Leaf: well I can see why you guys keep this island a secret if word gets out then everyone will come to this island it's so peaceful here. she said

Latios: there is a special ticket that allows other humans to see the island and is the only way to access it, but other then that you guys are the only humans here. he told them

They stopped walking when they finally reached the destination of where Latios wanted to take them which was basically the heart of the island as the 2 of them can see a large beautiful waterfall and tons of rare flowers and such all over the place and also an alter in the middle of all of this as it looks real old like it's been there for years. As Leaf had looked at one of the flowers and took a picture of it as she decided to use that picture as her new lock screen of her Rotom phone as the 2 of them had stopped walking as they are now facing Latios once more.

Leaf: hey um since this is an island for you and Latias why haven't we seen any Latias around I find that odd. she asked him

Latios: quite perspective of you but to answer your question, it's because a Latias hasn't been here in the past 10 years I am the only one that remains on this island. he said to her as both Rimuru and Leaf grew shock

Leaf:*shocked*wait for the past 10 years why would they leave such a beautiful place like this. she asked out loud

Latios: every Latios and Latias has their own journey to take and I for one can't stop them, as some of them went to Alto Mare while some went somewhere else and others have been captured by trainers, I know that one of my brethren is in your brother's care Rimuru. he said as he gotten surprised

Rimuru:*shocked*what so you know about that. he said in shock

Latios: yes after all the Latios that he has is my younger brother they often stop by time to time for we can catch up, he's quite nice. he said to him

As Rimuru is super shocked to hear that as he knows that his brother has a Latios since he seen him use it before in the Sinnoh league but he wasn't expecting it to be the brother of the Latios in front of him as Leaf is shocked as she knew that he has an older brother since he did say that back in the forest but she wasn't expecting him to own a Latios.

Leaf:*shocked*wait so your older brother has a Latios of his own. she said in shock

Rimuru:*nods slowly*yea he's had him for quite a while. he said back to her

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