Creeking Basement...

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This story will talk about a slightly descriptive death, if you get triggered by any thing like that don't read.

1st person POV:

I woke up one night very thirsty and in need of a drink. I slowly got out of bed hoping the creaks from my feet setting on the floor wouldn't wake my little sister in the next room over. I open my door carefully hoping my parents don't hear me as the stairs creak underneath my weight. I make it down and turn on the lamp near the kitchen spreading a dim light across the room enough for me to see where I'm going.

I get a glass of water and as I turn around to go back up I see the basement door is cracked open with a very dim light spilling out. I freeze wondering why the door is open, it's never open. As I'm standing there I see the dim light getting brighter and brighter and the creak of floor boards float through the room coming from the door.

I start to quietly tiptoe away back up to my room. I get to my room just before I hear the lock of the basement and creaks up the stairs. I look through a crack between my door and I see my grandfather sleepwalking back to his bed. I sighed slightly as I had gotten used to his sleepwalking issues. But the thought of why he was in the basement floated into my head.

I decided after a few minutes I would go take a peek and see what was going on. I hurry down making sure to be as quiet as possible, I see the keys on the table and start trying them all on the lock. The third one I tried made a faint clicking sound as it turned unlocking the door. I heard a faint creak from upstairs and I froze the light was on downstairs but I couldn't see and shadows moving.

The feeling of relief flooded through me as I waited at the door realizing it was nothing. I turned back around and when I went for the door knob noticed a faint red color in the shape of a hand on the doorknob, I assume it's rust and open the door slightly to see many stairs. Surprisingly enough their is light still down there so I make my way down slowly closing the door behind me.

A weird gross smell hits me like a smack to the face. It smells awful and has like this iron like smell to it, i trudge down the stairs until I finally get to the bottom and the smell is worse, I plug my nose and start breathing through my mouth. I look a round and there is a body shaped mound sitting in the corner.

I walk over to it and the smell gets worse. I realize that the clothes the oddly shaped bundle is wearing looks strangely familiar. I get closer and realize that is my grandmas robe. I run over to the figure I turn it on it's back I push the graying hair of my grandma out of her face. She is pale, too pale. There was a slash on her neck.

Ropes were around her hands and throat. I wondered how I didn't hear anything, then I sat the gag in her mouth. There was blood seeping onto and through her shirt there were bloody bullets to the side of her head and one still in her cheek. I check for a pulse it's gone I check for a heartbeat. Gone too. I realized what my grandfather had been doing down here.

He killed my grandmother in his sleep.

Questions filled my mind as a started hyperventilating, but 3 stood out clear as day too me,
If I hadn't waited for so long after he went upstairs and when I heard that creak would I have gotten here fast enough to save her?
Was he gonna come back, find me here, and do the same thing, but how and why did this happen?
How would I explain this to my family, would they even believe me?

I calmed down enough to realize I should probably call the police, I ran to my room not even closing the basement door not caring when I thundered up the stairs, nor did I care when my little sister started crying and my parents ran out of there rooms to her. I was looking for my phone making ruckus as I ruined my room looking for it when my dad burst through the door yelling at me asking what was going on.

Hi I am so sorry for not posting in forever, I kinda stopped watching owl house and became obsessed with horror, paranormal, or witchy things like that. I've been watching sam and colby and I might make a book for solby so I'll see if I can. I also have been on writers block so I hope you understand I will try to write at least one more Goldric oneshot before I put those books on hold though. I hope you enjoyed this and I hope you understand, love you Byee!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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