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So this will have many grammer mistakes like any other story or book. This is just the warnings and rules and stuff like that, and info on the reader.

The Rules: Don't be a d!ck thats basically it.

Warnings:  Violence, physical abuse, mental abuse, gaslighting, malnourishment, blood, gore, drugging, death, suicide, and yanderes.
If there is any other ones please tell me about it thank you!


Your quirk is basically anything. Your quirk is a lot like Momo's because you need to know the weakness and the strengths of the quirk. But you can only use quirks that already exists because your basically copying them, but they stay perminant. For example if you know all the pros and cons of Bakugou's quirk then you can do anything he can but you have the same weakness as him.

(You figured out your quirk yourself. You have told nobody what your quirk is because you don't want to put your loved ones in danger.)

Your looks?

You basically look like yourself but your shorter then basically everyone besides some people like Mr. Sticky Grape Balls. Your style is more boyish for plot reasons. You don't wear dresses or skirts so your uniform is the boys one. That's just the basics cause I'm lazy.

Bye your all handsome/ beautiful and I love you platonically!

I'm so lazy!!!

♡~MINE~♡ Yandere Mha x OP Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now