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I watched the peaceful, sparkling snow outside the window softly falling to the ground. I zipped my jacket closed, protecting myself from the bitter Snezhnayan air. Mother had been looking forward to start training me for a while, she seemed so happy about it. My attention turned towards Mother as she sat at the dinner table next to me.

"I start training today, right?" I asked excitedly. She smiled, nodding.

"I've set up an arrangement. You'll love it," she told me. "You'll be joining the Fatui. They've got skills even better than mine. I expect you'll become incredibly powerful with them training you." Even stronger than Mother? She's the strongest person I know. She the one I trust the most. She my best friend. I trust her judgment but... I'm not so sure about the Fatui. I want to help people.

"The Fatui? I don't—"

"You should be grateful for this opportunity. My brother happens to be a harbinger, thanks to my connection you're working directly under him. Everyone would want to have that," she interrupted me. I've heard some about him, my uncle. In his letters he writes about how great the Fatui are. He rarely sends letters though. "With him you'll be just fine. You'll become skilled enough to become a harbinger just like him I expect. I've never been wrong about what you need before."

"You want me to become a Fatui harbinger?" I echoed with speculation.

"Exactly! With the amount of power and skill you'll obtain you can help all the people you want. My brother is a doctor, he'll teach you more than I could," she persisted. I do want to help people. Maybe she does know what I want. She knows what I should do.

"If I join the Fatui and become a harbinger I can help people?" I clarified.

"Of course! People all over Teyvat travel to be apart of the Fatui, just look at how lucky you are to be so close to them. You'll help all the people you want as a Fatui harbinger. And when you obtain that title I'll be so proud!" It'll make her proud too... It makes me feel so good when she's proud of me. When she praises me.

"Okay! I'll become a Fatui harbinger!"

Within a few hours a knock sounded from the front door. I rushed to the door to greet him with Mother, I'd never met him in person before. I peeked through the doorway to see a tall man with light blue hair. He had a mask hiding most of his face but half of his eerie smile and crimson eyes. A Fatui symbol on his mask confirmed his undoubtable place in the organization.

 A Fatui symbol on his mask confirmed his undoubtable place in the organization

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"Welcome Dottore!" Mother greeted.

"Greetings to you as well," he spoke smoothly. "The little one has to be Estel. Hello there." I couldn't muster up any words. There was no mistake this guy was powerful, the atmosphere from him left me dazed.

Uncle Dottore cleared his throat "I need to take Etsel back with me, I have things to tend to."

"Of course. I wish you could stay for longer," Mother sighed. She delicately wrapped a purple scarf around my neck. "Off you go." I looked longingly at her one last time before Uncle Dottore grabbed my hand and I left behind everything familiar to me.

We rode in a carriage the whole way, the ride being slightly bumpy the entire time. I shivered from the frosty air, my coat doing little against the wind. Watching my breath appear before me each time I exhaled, we arrived. Snowflakes fell into my hair as I slid out of the carriage. Uncle Dottore led me inside, relief washing over me as warmth indoors engulfed me.

"Callon, get a Fatui uniform for my niece then show her where she'll be sleeping," Uncle Dottore ordered a Fatui member.

"Follow me, Miss," he nodded politely. "There's no need to look so afraid. I'll be here if you need anything." When I knew my training started today this isn't what I had in mind. But, whatever it is I'll learn how I can help others. I'll become a harbinger, Mother will be proud.

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