The Two Boys

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It was a lovely day outside.

Ranny was a boy in Hazemist

Ranny had friends

Ranny decide to play with his friend Scub

Ranny and Scub played tag

They ran along the stone path

The stone path became dirt as they ran farther from the village

They hopped over a river

They ran into the woods

They didn't even notice the scenery around them changing

The day started into night

The boys were far from the village

"Huh? Weren't we just in the village?" Ranny said, looking around himself

"Yeah we were! What happened?" Scub said, looking around as well

"How will we get back, Scub?!"

"Uhh," Scub looked around "Lets go that way!" He pointed west


The boys ran

They ran until their legs grew weak

Their stomachs growled

They wore bags under their eyes

They looked as much as they could for their village

"Hello boys, do you need assistance?" A boy with a crown made of flowers had asked, lending them a hand

"Yes please! We must return home!" They said in harmony

"Follow me, I shall be your guiding light to home."

The boys obeyed.

The stranger led them into a house surrounded by beautiful scenery

"Come inside, you shall rest and eat. Once the sun rises you shall be taken home to your mothers and fathers." The stranger said

The boys obeyed once again

Although they never saw the sun rise

The stranger had poisoned their food and made them into puppets of his own

Beware of Ranny and Scub, they haunt the forest to this day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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