Chapter One

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  The night was beautiful. All the New York Christmas lights lit the cold blue sky and the laughter of families was carried by the wind. The night was surely beautiful but far from peaceful. As the family lavished their time together, laughing and skating, I couldn’t help the growing feeling of something going wrong. I didn’t act on my feelings at all though, instead, I let them be ignored.

    I shifted my eyes from the ice rink below up to a building, specifically one of the windows on the building. As I stared, my nerves grew. Then, just that second, I saw a body fall from the window, then another. My body itched to move but I knew there was no need. Connected to the bodies, well actually one body, was a cord, and I watched as they propelled down the building. As the other body fell an arrow was shot toward the Rockefeller Christmas Tree. Then with a heavy breath, I watched as branches exploded off and an eri creak was made as the giant tree came tumbling down. I sighed again and pressed my palms into my eyes.

    What the fuck?

    Just then I felt a buzz at my neck and that could only mean one thing.

    “What do you want, Cat?” I said.

    “Oh come on Spidey, aren't you glad to see me?” Cat said in her flirtatious tone.

    “Not particularly,” I said, “and really, I haven’t seen you yet.”

    I heard Cat’s step’s toward me, they were quiet, almost undetectable. I stayed relaxed, after all if she wanted to do something, she would have already done it. I continued to look over the edge, it seemed there was a fight going on down there. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to help, it was just that it wasn’t my problem, whatever was happening down there was already being taken care of. I don’t know who it was, but I knew who knew.

    I turned my back towards the scene and faced the infamous Black Cat. She was a pain in my ass. I encountered her a few weeks ago and I really wish I didn’t. Before we met, she kept her crime on the down low but now she made herself obvious to the public, obvious to me. The first time I caught her was at a museum, trying to steal an Egyptian artifact. She was hard to fight then but after a couple dozen encounters with her I started to make out her moves. She always had a reason for everything she did, so why was she here?

    Cat reached for me and instead of ivoiding her I let her drape her arms around me. Cat pressed her body against mine. I sent a warning glare toward her. Cat smirked and snuggled up again.

    “What do you want, Cat?” I said. I crossed my arms in front of myself creating a bariar. I must have offended her because she backed off but not before she zipped down her suit, exposing an unwanted amount of cleavage.

    “What makes you think I want something?” Cat said as she looked up and threw her lashes at me.
I rolled my eyes. “You're a cat burglar,” I said, “you always want something.” I pulled my arms apart and gripped her zipper pulling upward, closing the gap. “Have some respect for yourself,” I said.

    Cat’s smile disappeared. “You're no fun.” Cat moved away from me and leaned her body against the concrete of the building. She now looked out to the growing scene on the ice. “You’re right, Spidey, I do want something.”
I hummed and turned back to the ice as well.

“I want to know why you're not down there helping,” she said.

    “It’s not my problem,” I explained, “It’s already being handled.” I side-eyed Cat. She didn’t move but I could tell by her eyes she knew something, she felt something. “Now, tell me Cat, what’s going on down there?” I turned my head toward her and she turned her toward mine. She knew I was serious, but she squinted at me to make sure, and when I didn’t move she sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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