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Ghostbur gasped after the sound of a sheep came from behind him.

He felt his heart pounding, he hadn't felt like that for so many years, it was weird but nice nonetheless. His hands were steaming because of his sweat, and with his crystal-like eyes Ghostbur finally turned around and lookedbehind him.

There it was, a fluffy blue sheep that paced slowly towards the broken ghost. The red light of the train platform contrasted so much with Friend's color.

-Is that... is that really you..?

Friend started smelling Ghostbur, looking for something reminiscent of who he once was. He looked the same but also different, he looked tormented.

Almost immediately the sheep licked Ghostbur's cheek and cuddled in his legs.

It was the first time Ghostbur felt no pain when his face started burning with tears.

Not saying anything he hugged Friend and pressed his face to so tightly against the wool. It was hard to him to breath... but even that didn't mattered now.

-Friend!!! It is you!... it's you... you are here...

He focused into being sure this was not an illusion like before
He felt Friend's wool
He heard Friend's breath
He saw Friend's face
He smelled Friend's flowery scent

In the midst of the situation Friend walked away towards a mysterious hallway. Ghostbur looked up and he saw a door open, the door that would lead to the exterior of the platform in a normal circumstance.

He stood up and stared as Friend crossed the door while a dim blue light came out of it.
This was all so confusing...

What's behind that door? Was it open before? Does this have to do with Friend? How did he even got here? Isn't he supposed to have infinite lives?

Thought after thought came to Ghostbur's mind like the big cascade in his head that kept pouring through his eyes since the day he arrived here.
Barely able to see he pushed the door lightly and before he could answer a voice he recognized from somewhere got trapped in his ears.

The strange person was hard to see, it was covered in a dark cloth with a lot of shiny adornments around it.

-Hello Will, it's been such a long time.

-Huh? Hi? e-excuse me but what is th-

-Oh! right... You probably don't remember me, but I do remember you darling...

The figure pushed the vail to the side, revealing the face of a woman oddly familiar
Her dark clothing contrasted from her kind and almost motherly expression.

-Sorry ma'am, but do I know you?

-You certainly do sweetheart, but I am not sure how much you remember me... or how much your dad has talked you about me...

-I don't think he- Ohh hold on... are you-?!

Suddenly the tears stopped falling down from Ghostbur's eyes, he wiped the tears off with his sleeve and looked carefully at the woman's face, not believing who was even there.


Ghostbur's body flinched and turned to stone in the presence of the woman that apparently was his mother. A huge conflict in his mind took control over him. He didn't knew if he should run towards her or take a step back, after all everything he remembered was that Phil mentioned a goddess of death, but it couldn't be her, right?

Friend licked Ghostbur's hand, dragging him back to reality. But without looking back he gave shy steps towards the goddess.

She looked him back with kind eyes and a smile once more.

Ghostbur with a jot of hesitation hugged his mom and a feeling of peace filled the room.
There was silence, but that was all they needed to understand each other.

This time there were no tears.
Only a mother, a son, and a sheep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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