Chapter 3: "Acceptance and Moving Forward"

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A creature that is well known only by Iruma appeared right next to him while worryingly staring at him. He decided to stay quiet for a while and stay in silence until he could find the right moment to say something. As the moment and time pass by, the more the little creature thinks that he wouldn't get the chance to say the things he wants to say, so he suddenly voiced a complaint in order to get the sobbing child's attention at him.

"Iru-boy, I know you are sad right now but don't you think we've been in this room for almost a week." The little creature said as he has been watching all the time throughout the day watching and listening to Iruma sobbing it was absolutely almost a week, it is exactly 5 days since Iruma stepped outside his room.

The little creature unallowed themselves to intervene with the broken child and let him pour out all of his feelings, though he is a little bit frustrated and lost their patience when the child didn't give him at least a chance to see the letters or even touch them.

"Iru-boy, I understand your situation right now but don't you think you could at least read the letters, who knows maybe you'll find the answer to the misunderstanding between you and your father." The purple one-eyed creature said calmly as slowly approached the crying child in front of them.

"How could you say that Ali-san, don't you think you already know what has already been written on all those pieces of paper!?" Iruma said angrily crying while glaring at Alikdred while he is staring back at him with a mix of pity and annoyance. "That person is just gonna write something stupid or even try to manipulate me through his words in order to gain him some sympathy." Iruma continuously speaks while burying his face in his large pillow.

"You and I won't know that when we didn't even read it yet, I mean what if what you said and think is the exact opposite of what is written in the letters," Ali-san explain as Iruma lift his face to the side showing half of his face looking at Ali-san. "Think about what your grandpa said to you, didn't he say that your mother is right that he is a chaotic person but he is heart is as true as his words can be? Your grandfather knows your father more than anyone else besides your mother, so maybe we could at least see your father's letter to your grandfather and might get some insight into who he is." Ali-san said trying his best to at least make a progress, he doesn't care what was said in the letter whether it was good or bad or what will Iruma do either he accepts or denied it.

Iruma stares at Ali-san for a while before finally deciding and giving in to reading the letter his father wrote to Sullivan. Iruma sits up on his bed and stretches his arm below the bed to get the letters and read them. He took the letter directed to Sullivan and open it to see the things he wrote in there. After releasing the paper through the envelope Iruma and Ali-san started to read the Demon King's writings.

Dear Sully,

As you've probably realized by now, during my absences, I went to the human realm to find something more interesting to do. Being king has tired me, and I no longer find endless joy in ruling the demon realm.

Being unknown and free to do as I wished was refreshing. Unfortunately, my lover in the human world has to give birth to my child, which might have put me in trouble with the higher-ups, and I cannot stay and care for them.

if you can, I must demand that you find this child, I have sealed their power, for now, to hide their demonic abilities from the humans since it was rather dangerous and can be experimented on by curious humans here, I will completely block my lover's memories about me and anything related to the demon realm since it will keep both of them out of trouble in which I know that blocking her memory might cause the change of the personality of a person which isn't the best choice but there is no way I can let her raise a hybrid child on her own that she doesn't know how to do it properly, by that she will get anxious and under pressure and other things, cause of all possibility that might happen.

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