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   The town you had walked into was so Eerie, quiet, and devoid of life. You walked around and noticed people were inside, but none outside, they didn't seem scared of the outside just as if going out there wasn't of importance. You decided to go to a baker for food, you were hungry and happened to have enough money for some bagels. 

 "Good morning, I haven't seen you around are you new to town?" The old man behind the bakeries counter asked as you walked in. 

 "Yes, I recently moved here." You smile at the man walking up to the counter to order. 

 This town had a very old feeling to it. The bakery seemed to fit right in with this feeling as its walls were blue, and its floor was brown with white diamonds. The way it all fits together it looked like something from an 80's commercial. You noticed that the old man was waiting for you to order and you came out of your head. 

 "May I get two bagels with cream cheese and salmon please?" You asked to see it as the first thing on the menu for bagels. 

 "Yes of course, what is your name?" The old man replied smiling with his eyes closed, almost seeming too happy to be true, as if he had something to hide about this town. Like they all have something to hide.

 "My name is Kirin, here." You hand the man a twenty dollar bill continuing. "Keep the change."

 "Oh, yes thank you the wait is about five minutes." The man says walking off to make your food.

 You feel eyes watching you. You were too busy talking to the man earlier to notice but now you can tell someone has been eyeing you this entire time. You look around without turning your head as to not give away knowing that they're watching. You notice a man with medium put-up dark brown hair that fades to a lighter tone at the tips watching you. You walk over to the table next to the man to try and figure out what he wants. 

 Sitting down in the chair there pulling out your phone from your bag noticing the image on the Lock Screen it's the only remaining picture of your mom, dad, sister, and you together. When you were rather young around 9 your parents died. You think back to it, the memories like chains tied to you keeping you from letting go of your pain. 

 You remember when the man got into the house he came in through your parent's window. You still don't remember who he was but you heard screaming and then a bang. You then heard your sister screaming out for dad and then your mom yelling run. At this point, you had made it to where the open door was and watched the man shoot your mom and then your sister.

 You couldn't bare it you saw their bodies on the floor cold and stained red. You cried but didn't scream, and didn't talk. You instead backed away and started to back up towards your room tell the man saw you and then you ran. You ran to your sister's room where her phone was, locked her door, and called 911. from there you hid in her cabinet since you were small enough.

 "Where are you!" You hear the man rattling at the door. "Open this door please."

 "No go away." your idiotic childish self called out to the man trying to open the door but sadly had no brain power to do so. 

 "I'm going to count to three and if-" the man stopped hearing sirens. "Dammit you called the police uhg you must be on call with them right now I need to go." 

 The last thing you remember is being put in an orphanage but hating not having freedom good food or anything really so you ran away still possessing your sister's phone never looking back somehow never being found or caught and if anything you're lucky you made it to eighteen all on your own. 

 "Ms.Kirin!" an old voice called out from behind the counter bringing you back from your memories.

 You got up and walked to the counter taking your food making sure to thank the man "Thank you, I've been starving." 

 You walk out of the store still eying that man very interested in why he'd be eyeing you. Maybe it's because you're the only other person not old-fashioned and you were outside. be continued

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