Puppy love

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Destiel fluff

Dean had fallen asleep with his head on Cas's lap after drinking one to many beers while having movie night with Sam and Cas, he hadn't done it intentionally it kinda just happen as he was laying down on the couch. Cas didn't complain or move Dean tho, he just put his hand in Deans hair, messing with it gently making sure not to wake Dean.

"Aww look at him" Sam jokes as he stands up stretching his body; "he's like a puppy"

Cas doesn't understand his reference since dogs look nothing like humans, but he doesn't ask just nods. "I don't think he's waking up any time soon" Cas says looking down at Dean, while sifting his fingers through Deans hair. "Well imma head to my room, I'm exhausted. You need me to help you move Dean to his room" Sams asks while turning the tv off.

"It's okay, I'll just let him sleep here, I'll be okay, goodnight Sam" The angel hums, Sam nods making his way out of the room to his own, he throws his self on the bed to tired to change.

Dean sifts his body a little, making Cas stop his hand movements in the man's hair. Dean doesn't wake up though, letting Cas continue his movements. Dean had made a small smacking noises with his lips, Cas knew that sound, it's something the man would do in his sleep after having a long day showing he was in a deep sleep.

Cas tilts his head back, looking up at the ceiling, while playing with Deans hair. Something about taking Care of the boys has a way of making Cas feel Calm, like all the stress on his shoulders suddenly disappears. So having Dean sleep off his long day on the angels lap makes Cas smile.

Cas can't deny, if Sam was to fall asleep like this too he wouldn't move him and he'd still smile. He knows the boys never have a day off, so seeing them calm; not stressed makes Cas happy. The angel may feel something else with Dean, but that doesn't mean he won't treat them both the same.

Cas looks back down at Dean, noticing how much he's changed since Cas pulled him out of hell. Cas reaches down and drags his thumb down Deans cheek slowly, making sure not to wake him.

Dean opens his eyes slightly, letting out a groggy noise; "Im sorry, did I wake you" Cas asks moving his hand away. Dean sits up, rubbing his head, "how much did I drink, fuck my head"

Cas looks at Dean with a little laugh; "you look horrible" Cas says in his deep tone; "thanks" Dean speaks sarcastically while rubbing his eyes. After a few seconds it finally clicks with Dean that he fell asleep on Cas; "aw, shit sorry I didn't mean to- you know"

"It's okay Dean, I don't mind" The angel says with a smile making Dean smile back. That stupid smile, the one that always made Cas give in no matter how much he didn't want to.

Dean leans forward planting a kiss on Cas's lips before sitting back down with a smile on his face; "I'm gonna head to bed Cas, I'll see you in the morning"

"Goodnight Dean" Cas says softly..

The end

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