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Ijekiel searched around the bushes but he was unable to find Lady Angel. She just vanished into thin air. He was flabbergasted by her sudden disappearance.
He could only hope that she went back to where she came from,safely.
The little young master of Alpheus Duchy was a bit sad. He wanted to talk with Lady Angel for a little longer. He looked around a bit more but there was no sign of her.
He sighed in disappointment.
'I should go look for Jennette then," Ijekiel looked at the bushes one last time and walked away.
He expected to find Jennette crying somewhere alone. It was going to be a hassle. He didn't know how to comfort her.
Ijekiel looked around the garden but he couldn't find his younger sister anywhere.
'where could she be?' he wondered. 'I need to go back or father will be angry.'

Ijekiel was about to turn back to the mansion when he heard a giggling sound. The giggles were coming from behind a cluster of trees. Ijekiel followed the sound and came across Jennette squatting near an anthill.
"How amusing these tiny creatures are..,"she mumbled to herself. A playful smile on her face.
Ijekiel walked towards her with light steps. But Jennette still heard them.
That too much charming boy is here..ugh..
'too much charming? What does that mean?' Jennette questioned. But that 'thing' only gave an exasperated sigh. 'It' was, perhaps, unwilling to answering Jennette, knowing very well that she would have a new question prepared for 'it'.

Jennette turned around suddenly causing Ijekiel to halt. Her jeweled eyes stared right into Ijekiel's golden ones. Then, an adorable smile formed on her face. She jumped up and walked towards Ijekiel.
"Big Brother!" she yelled."What are you doing here?"
Jennette had the most innocent and angelic smile. Ijekiel had seen it many times and he had always melted in face of it. He was not to blame who wouldn't like a cute little sister like Jennette?
"I was looking for you, Jennette," he replied.
"What were you doing here?"
He motioned towards the anthill and the swarm of ants near where Jennette had seated earlier.It would be wrong to say he wasn't disgusted to see it.
"I was just watching the ants," she replied.
Jennette could sense it. It was the air around Ijekiel. It had the scent of someone she never met. Maybe, it belonged to someone outside the mansion.
'Who is it?' she thought.
Stinks of a weak Royal
'A Royal??' Jennette looked at Ijekiel with eyes that were full of doubts.
Seems like someone came to the mansion earlier. An unwelcomed guest.
A royal family member visited Ijekiel.
He met a family member of hers.
Will Big Brother tell her about it? He hasn't mentioned it yet. Who even came here? Was it her Father?
"I don't see anything interesting about them,"Ijekiel voiced. If possible he wanted Jennette to not take part in such activities.
Jennette was brought out if her trance. She looked at the swarm of ants and slowly spoke,"They all live together. They are a big happy family."
She lightly smiled and continued,"Some outsiders came and invaded their home. So, they are angry and have decided to punish those outsiders."
Ijekiel nodded in response. For how smart he was, he couldn't properly grasp the meaning of Jennette's words. But he knew one thing, seeing such a large quantity of violent ants was affecting him badly. It was his first time seeing so many ants .
Perhaps, if Ijekiel wasn't so bothered by the ants, he would've seen the red glint in Jennette's eyes.

"We should go back lest father finds fault with us," Ijekiel propounded. He took Jennette's hand and started walking towards the mansion.
Jennette turned her head around to take a list look at the one-sided war between the ants. She mumbled something but it was lost in the wind.

On the way back, Jennette continuously stared at Ijekiel. She stared so much that Ijekiel started feeling uneasy.
"Is something wrong?" he atlast asked.
Both of them stopped in their tracks. Jennette looked at her feet, contemplating on asking or not.
She asked in a very low voice. If they weren't standing so close, Ijekiel might not have heard of it.
"Do you have something to say to me..., big brother?"
Ijekiel was confused. Something to tell Jennette? He wondered if she was worried about him leaving for Arlanta.
"Jennette.. I know I am leaving suddenly," he spoke in a calm tone. "But I promise I will write you a letter every now and then."
He placed a hand on Jennette's shoulders and looked at her with a living gaze.
Jennette was confused. It took her a while to understand what Ijekiel had said.
Oh. Is that it?
"Anything else..?" she mumbled looking straight into Ijekiel's eyes.
Will Big Brother really keep a secret from me?
Why is he not telling me?
Who did he meet?
Is he abandoning me?
Jennette's mind was filled with questions. The longer Ijekiel took to answer, the more Jennette's eyes darkened.
Ijekiel was dumbfounded as well. He couldn't understand what Jennette was talking about.
He focused on his memory for a bit and then recalled. Could it be that?
"Did you receive the cat I sent you?" Ijekiel stated. Hid eyes warmer than the sun. But his words froze Jennette.
He really won't tell me..? Is that cat more important than my family?
Jennette's head hung low. She mumbled, "yah.."
"That's great!" Ijekiel spoke. "It reminded me of you...so.."
His words trailed off as he saw Jennette looking at him with a weird expression. It would be more accurate to say that she was expressionless.
"Is everything alright?" he hurriedly asked. Did I say something wrong?
"I lost it..," Jennette mumbled in a very low tone.
"Lost it...?" Ijekiel repeated.
Lost it to death.
If Ijekiel was a bit more observant, he would have seen the black mist forming around Jennette's clenched fist. But he was not.
Jennette was fuming with an unexplainable emotion. She felt that her big brother was a liar, a liar who didn't care about her. Who kept secrets from her.He kept it away from her because he doesn't want her to reunite with her family.
Only one thought ran through her head. And it wasn't something the voice was instigating:
Eliminate this hurdle.
I planned on writing more but I am going on a two day school-trip. So yah. This is it for now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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