Teacher vs. Students! GO-*SMACK*

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Hello everyone! I'm so sorry for not posting in a while.

My exams have been stressful thus far and I've only a specific amount of time a week that I actually have my laptop, so I'm not making any promises of weekly updates as of yet, but I'll try to post something every second or third week if I can manage to.

Anyway, continue reading! 

Don't let my problems stop you from enjoying the story! Bu-bye and thank you! <3

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They have one and a half weeks until their final exams. Yaomomo's study groups have become more frequent as the deadline approaches, with classmates eagerly absorbing all of the material they can. That's not to say that anyone has been slacking on preparing for the practical.

Bakugo, and the ever cheery Kirishima, along with a few others had booked gyms or training grounds for a handful of hours during after school hours, while others directed their focus on figuring out what the practical may involve.

Miyo has been practicing his agility and fighting, since he convinced Aizawa to give him pointers and lessons on parkour and handling his water whips better. Hitoshi joins them every so often, with the other boy mainly requesting assistance with his fighting, given that he hadn't had any training in such areas before UA. 

But Miyo thinks his brother is only there to keep an eye on him, since the evening Denki ended up dragging him home. His ears are still soar from all of Hitoshi's lecturing.

Then, since most of his time was spent out of the house with all of his time taken up by school and training, Miyo has hardly been able to speak with Ari and Manami, but he reminds himself again that they're Hitoshi's parents, not his.  

He's just living in their spare room and relying on their hospitality. It's not like he's had a whole conversation with them since the sports festival. He'll be kicked out as soon as he graduates UA.

Miyo has only managed to drop by the bar a couple of times since his "bonding time" with Dabi, While there, he's been mainly napping on the sofa in the "main" room with either Tomura or Dabi grumbling underneath him.

At one point, Kurogiri put his foot down and warped Miyo to Akira, who used a quirk or something to analyze his vitals and overall health.

Which then resulted in Miyo being wrapped tightly in a fluffy blanket in Tomura's room for an hour or five, while Dabi, Jin, and Tomura took shifts to "guard"(read as nap with) him until he awoke.

When he had opened his eyes and eventually been allowed back down into the bar, Kurogiri presented him with a warm cup of tea and a small bowl of soup. The tea soon went cold when Tomura whipped out Super Mario Bros and a couple controllers for everyone to play.

Kurogiri needed to threaten certain death when quirks started going off near his bar. A shiver goes down Miyo's spine as he remembers the misty man's threatening tone.

Warpers are scary, especially when someone knocks over their favourite bottles of Gin and Wine.

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Everyone's brain's are completely fried. 

Miyo's back and hands also feel like they've aged 80 years since this morning. 

The class is standing in front of all of their teachers. Miyo has a dread filled hole in the pit of his stomach as he watches Nezu hop out of Aizawa's scarf, the creature's critical eyes boring into every student's soul.

He struggles to remain composed as Nezu lets out a little chuckle over Ashido and Kaminari cheering about their practical exam being robots.

"Ah, dear students! While usually classes would face off against robots... you lot are quite special in comparison to them!" Miyo slips his hand into Shouto's right hand, the pool of dread in his stomach making him want to throw up.

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