Chapter 5

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(POV: Niragi)

"Hatter, why is that little girl, Akiko, here? She is a kid!" I threw my gun to the ground, out of anger.

"She's safe here. We can take care of her, Ann and Chishiya can teach Akiko. It's all for her own safety.",Hatter explained in a calm voice.


"Hatter, we may take care of her but did you ever think about all the drunk and high weirdos at the Beach? Did you ever think about how easily and fast someone can traumatize that little girl?" I was serious. Hatter and Aguni were surprised by my sudden anger even though they know how easy I lose control.

"I'm quite surprised about your reaction, Niragi. Well, if Ann, Chishiya and Kuina don't take care of her enough in your opinion... how about you being something like a bodyguard to her?"


(POV: Chishiya)

"Chishi, stop moving! I'm trying to style your hair!" Akiko was currently brushing my hair while Kuina tried not to choke because of laughing too much.
"Yes, Chishi! Stop moving!",she laughed.

Very funny...

I wanted to make a joke about the situation, when suddenly someone knocked at the door. Akiko jumped down from the bed and ran to the door when Kuina helped me standing up again. "That was hell for me",I commented about the situation. "Oh come on Chishi, you did it for Aki."

We heard that Akiko opened the door but went backwards a little when she saw who was standing in front of her now.

"Hi, little girl. Akiko, right?",I heard a similar voice saying. Oh no, Niragi...

(POV: Akiko)

I looked up to the face I just saw some minutes ago. Niragi was his name, I barely remembered it. "Uhm, why are you here?",I asked nervously and turned to Kuina and Chishiya, quietly asking for help.

Both of them stepped beside me. "Don't worry, I just got a task from Hatter.",Niragi answered and tried to smile a little bit.

"What task?",I wondered and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Niragi knelt down to me and now I just realized that he didn't had a gun anywhere. "Where is your gun?"

"I'm supposed to play bodyguard for the little princess",he answered and laughed. "Is that true? You? As her bodyguard?" I heard the confusion in Chishiya's voice. Understandable.

"Why should I tell lies?" They stared at each other and Niragi stood up again.

'If he's really supposed to be my bodyguard, he should prove it.',I thought and couldn't hold back a small laughter. Then I ran as if I would die. I just ran down the floor when I heard Niragi, Chishiya and Kuina calling my name. And I was just laughing.

Honestly, it was funny. Sadly Niragi caught me very fast and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, let me go!",I laughed. I heard Niragi laughing too.

Chishiya and Kuina arrived too and looked at us. "Well, I guess we can go. Niragi, her room is next to mine. Hatter said she should sleep soon.",Chishiya explained and was about to turn around when I called him by his nickname again:"Chishi, where are you going with Kuina?"

Niragi couldn't stay focused when he heard the name:"Chishi?!"

"Kuina and I will get a drink and talk about the recent games."

Kuina hugged me before giving Niragi a death stare and leaving with Chishiya, who waved me a goodbye. Well, I'll see him soon again since our rooms are next to each other.

"Niragi, what are we gonna do now?",I wondered when he jumped up and started running. "HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" All I could hear was his laughter.

(Time skip - Later that night)

"Akiko, it's time to sleep. You'll have a long day getting to know everyone at the beach tomorrow!",he said and helped me putting all the drawing utensils into the case again.

We were already in my room, so I only had to get on the bed and then I could sleep. But just sleeping...
"Niragi, can you read me a book?"

His face turned white, as if he saw a ghost.

(POV: Niragi)

She didn't just ask me to read her a book-

I swear if anyone sees that, I'll loose my dark image here...
But she is a kid.
Oh damn this situation.

"Niragi, please!" I rolled my eyes and took the nearest book. Oh come on, a fairy tale?!

"I swear if you tell anybody what is gonna happen, I'll never read you a book anymore!"

Authors note: Don't worry guys, Niragi will get his savage and I-don't-care moments-



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