Fryin' and Buyin'

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Roman Was at Fryin' & Buyin' getting ready for the day. Today's Friday, which is The Busiest Day of the week.

The Restaurant had 30 minutes left before it opened.

The door opens as Kevin & Sami walk in.

Roman: Good, you're here. Today's gonna be Very Busy. Kevin, you're on Dishes. Sami, You're cooking and Since Paul's off today, I'll serve the customers. Now Let's Start Fryin' and Buyin'!!

10 AM...

The restaurant opens and About 20 people Storm in.

Roman: Hello sir, What would you like today?

Truth: I'll have a whopper.

Roman: uhhh Truth. This is Fryin' and Buyin', Not Burger King.

Truth: ohh..... My bad. I'll take a Steak with some broccoli.

Roman: Sami! I need a steak & Broccoli!!

(A/N: I usually don't like spoilers, But according to yesterday, It looks like I might get my Dream match at mania after all.)

After Serving Truth his food, The next person was in line.


Roman: Ugh. What do you want Brock?

Brock: I'll take Some Burgers.

Roman: On the way.

By that point there were like, 40 dishes where Kevin is.

Kevin: Hey!! Cool it!!

Then Charlotte Flair came into the building.

Charlotte: Hey Babe.

Roman: How's it goin' Char? What would you like?

Charlotte: I'll take You, With a side of more You.

Roman smirks as they wink at each other.

Roman: After work hon. I'll get your food for ya.

As They gave Charlotte her food, A sudden Voice Appears.

???: Sup Roman.

That made Roman Jump.

Roman: Gah!! For Fuck Sakes Cena!!

Cena Made himself Appear.

John: Sorry, Had to do it 😂😂

Roman: Okay, What do you want?

John: Actually, I need to Talk with Kevin.

Roman: Fine, KEVIN!!

As Kevin & John talked, Roman was Simply taking other customer orders until-

???: EXCUSE ME!!!

Roman: Fuck! Not this Bitch Again.

It was Vickie Guerrero, She was a Total Karen.


Roman: You noticed ONE extra piece of CORN?!

Vickie: Yes!! I could've Been Poisoned by it!!

Roman face palms

Roman: There's no way One piece could poison you.

Vickie: Lemme Speak to the manager!!

Roman: I'm The OWNER!!

Kevin: What's goin o-

He sees Vickie.

Kevin: Nope! I am NOT Dealing with that today!

9 PM...

It was Time to Close the inside, However online orders Are still open until 10.

Roman Received An order From Mustafa Ali and Sends Sami to deliver it.

But that was already a mistake after a couple minutes.

Sami: Dead End?!?!? What the hell happened?!?

Roman (Phone): Genius! You gotta go AROUND the trees.

Sami: How the hell am I supposed to that?

Roman: Jesus Christ, Reverse, And Go the street on the LEFT.

Sami does so.

Roman: Now Right, Right & Left.

Sami Then goes in those direction and Then stops At the house.

Ali: Ugh. Took long enough.

Sami: Tip Please.

Ali Pays him 2 Cents.

Sami: Seriously?

Ali Slams the door.

When he opens the Bag, A Giant Fist Punches him in the head and takes some money For The Full tip that Austin owes Sami.

10 PM...

Roman: Well, I'd say that was a successful Day.

Sami: Agreed. Let's head home.

Kevin: Finally. Sami you owe me.

The Three clock out and head home to Rest up for the next Day there.

The End

Hope you liked this One-shot. And I'll see you in the next one.

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