Visit the Orphanage

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It has been a week since Liz's date with Lord Namjoon and Liz is talking with her mother about going to the orphanage. Liz, her mother, Madeline, Prince Jin, and the six men are going to visit and tour the orphanage tomorrow. Liz finished talking to her mother and decided to go to the castle library. Liz entered the library to see Prince Jin there reading a book. Liz grabbed a book to read, and Liz decided to talk to Jin.

"Hello, Jin." Liz said.

"Hello, Liz." Jin said.

"What are you reading?" Liz asked.

"Hamlet by William Shakespeare." Jin said.

"I didn't know you like Shakespeare." Liz said.

"Yes. My favorite is Romeo and Juliet." Jin said.

"That is my favorite one too." Liz said.

"So, I heard from a butler that we are visiting the orphanage tomorrow." Jin said.

"Yes. You, my mother, Madeline, me, and the six men are going tomorrow." Liz said.

"I can't wait." Jin said.

"Me too." Liz said.

Liz and Jin read the rest of time before a butler came to informed them it was dinner time. Liz and Jin walk to the dining hall. Liz and Jin arrived to see Madeline and the queen waiting for them. Everyone sits down and everyone started eating dinner. After dinner, Liz head back to her room and went to get ready for bed. In the morning, Liz got up to have breakfast and after breakfast, Liz went to her room to get ready for the visit at orphanage. Liz left her room to go to the car and Liz arrived to see Charles, Madeline, her mother, and Prince Jin waiting for her by the limo. Everyone got into the limo, and they head to over to the orphanage.

Everyone arrived at the orphanage, and the person in charge of the orphanage welcome them. Liz saw the six men talking with each other and Prince Jin was talking with them. Liz walked over to the seven men and the queen told everyone it was time to start the tour. Everyone enters the orphanage, and they started the tour. Everyone was greeted by the children and Liz saw Sammatha. Liz decided to give Sammatha a hug and Liz introduce Sammatha to her mother, Madeline, Prince Jin, and the six men.

"Sammatha, this is my mother, Madeline, Prince Jin, Count Yoongi, Lord Hoseok, Lord Namjoon, Count Jimin, Lord Taehyung, and Count Jungkook. Everyone this is Sammatha." Liz said.

"Nice to meet everyone." Sammatha said.

"Nice to meet you, Sammatha." Everyone said.

"Let's continue the tour." Queen said.

The person in charge continue the tour and Liz was walking with Madeline and Sammatha. After the tour finished, the children want to play with everyone. The queen and Liz were watching the men with the children. Liz saw Lord Namjoon reading to the kids in the reading room. Liz went to another room and saw Lord Hoseok teaching kids some dance moves. Liz then went to the playroom and saw Count Jimin, Lord Taehyung, and Count Jungkook playing with the kids. Liz then saw Prince Jin with Sammatha talking about Princess Liz. Liz left the room and started hearing some music in the music room. Liz entered the room to see Count Yoongi playing the piano to the kids. Liz sits down right by side him and started singing to the song. After the song, Count Yoongi and Liz decided to talk before Count Yoongi played another song for the kids.

"Suga, you are an amazing piano player." Liz said.

"Thank you, Liz. You have a beautiful voice." Suga said.

"Thank you, Suga. I think we should do another song for the kids." Liz said.

"I think you are right." Suga said.

Count Yoongi started playing another song for the kids and Liz started singing to the song. They finished the song and Madeline told Princess Liz and Count Yoongi it was time to go. They said goodbye to the kids, and everyone went outside to head back to the castle to have dinner. Everyone arrived at the castle and head inside to go to the dining hall. Everyone sits down to eat dinner and after dinner, the six men left the castle. Prince Jin decided to talk to Liz about what he heard from Lord Namjoon.

"Liz, can I talk to you?" Jin asked.

"Sure." Liz said.

"I heard from Lord Namjoon earlier that Madeline is your adopt sister. Is it true?" Jin asked.

"Yes. Madeline is my adopt sister and she doesn't want the princess title." Liz said.

"Does the council members know about this?" Jin asked.

"Yes. They knew my parents couldn't have another child and they knew that my parents adopted Madeline." Liz said.

"Thank you for telling me, Liz." Jin said.

"You're welcome. I am going to head to my room. Goodnight, Prince Jin." Liz said.

"Goodnight, Princess Liz." Jin said.

Liz head to her room and arrived at her room. Liz got ready for bed and had the tv going. The tv was on the news and the news reporter was talking about royal family visit to the orphanage. Liz turned off the tv after she finished getting ready for bed. Liz got into her bed and went to sleep.

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