Apple vs android

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Read the title ya ok well the age old debit of Apple vs android personally I don have a preference I've had both I currently have an iPhone 5s but ya lets get on with the rant
We have to understand that sure they're still in the smart phone category but they are two completely different phones it's like comparing a cat and a dog ya sure they are both animals with some similar features but they aren't both cats or both dogs Android is known for doing bigger phones than Apple and Apple is known for having a nice smooth interface yeah sure android apps crash from time to time but it doesn't make it any worse then Apple and sure an Apple device might be smaller but it doesn't mean it's any worse than an android device you get where I'm coming from Apple and android both have there faults and they out way each other

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••well that's all that I'm going to be rant on today DM me some topics To rant on and this time I will not take three years to update baiiiiii

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