Skid and Pump!

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OHHH! Me Sorry!

Worms Skid and Pump were skipped by mistake! Much sorry! Plz Forgiv!1!!

Which is why me put them at front of this book! :)

These guys are based on their forms without their costumes which is where the collars come in>>

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These guys are based on their forms without their costumes which is where the collars come in>>

-Skid and Pump! Spooky Month!

-Both boys!

-Fluffy worms! Love Candy!

-Silly and comedic type! But wait! How will they do the Spooky Dance??? Wiggle??

-They follow each other everywhere!

-October favorite month of the spooks!!1!

-Skid is purple worm and Pump is brown

-Fluffy boys collars mean personality!

-Get bullied....sometimes....

-They are kids! Let them have fun!

-Happy Happy, joy joy!

-ITS A SPOOKY MONTH! Even in January!

-Great addition to Worm Funkin!

-Skid's mom is around more than Pumps....

-Skid's father????

-Skid gets purple fluffy from his mum

-With great spookiness comes great candy.

-Best friends!

-Hold gently, carry in pocket!


Worm on string x Friday Night Funkin

Worm Funkin!-FNF Worm AU Mods pt1Where stories live. Discover now