Chapter 1

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(On the tv) "good morning New York, before we start the weather, let's look at the latest news with Katharine Gram" "Thank you Johnny, ok, last night the body of 13 year old Penny Newman was found dead floating in lake Quatamalla, and now 11 year old Tina Jason is missing, with still 15 other girls missing, bodys never found will these murders ever stop? or will the young girls of New York be afraid to go outside?" I can't believe all those girls are missing "Lucie, come on, do you want breakfast or not!?" A voice shouts from downstairs "ok mom!" I yell back, oh, hi, I'm Lucyna Freedon, but everyone calls me Lucie, I'm 13 years old with green eyes and long red hair, oh, gtg, I run downstairs "good morning Lucie" I smile sitting at the table "morning mom, what's for breakfast?" My mom's name is Lisa Freedon, her maden name is Wade, she has brown eyes and short brown hair, she's a cop, but she broke her right arm so now she's being paid to stay at home "today we are having eggs and toast" I lick my lips, really wanting to eat "yummy, when's it gonna be done?" My mom lifts the pan with eggs off the stove "right now" she puts the eggs on my plate "oh, sweetie, can you please help me put butter on the toast?" I get up and walk over to my mom "of course" during breakfast I want to tell mom about the news but I don't know how to bring up the topic, I'll still try "hey mom, did you see the news?" Mom's sitting across from me eating breakfast "no sweety, what happened?" I finish eating and then start talking "it says that the body of the girl missing two weeks ago was found, what was her name? oh yea, Penny Newman, but now Rachaels cousin Tina Jason is missing" mom looks surprised as she finished eating her toast"wow, so many kids are missing, I can't believe it, 17 kids in 2 months" I look down at my empty plate feeling sorry for all those dead kids and their parents "mom, I don't know about the parents and kids, it all seems so...sad" mom looks sad, staring at her plate "oh the bus should be here any minute, you better go out and wait" I nod and grab my backpack and lunch, then when the bus gets at ny stop I get on and walk to the back were I sit next to my best friend Rachael, who has blue eyes and long blond hair, but she keeps her hair in a ponytail "hey Luce" luce is a nickname Rachael made for me "hey Rach" Rach is my nickname for Rachael "so Luce, did you see the news?" I turn to Rachael, and I can't believe she saw the news, oh no "yea, sorry to hear about your cousin" Rachael looks down at her feet "yea, I hope Tinas alright" now we are both looking at our feet, I wonder how Penny died, if I can figure that out then I can find who kidnapped Tina before it's too late, the bus then stops at school, Rachael and I walk off the bus and go to breakfast, but then, all hell breaks loose, and rumors fly "hey, did you hear, Lucie was the only one who saw both Penny and Tina before they went missing?, and now Tina is missing" I was the only one with them before they went missing, but that doesn't mean I killed Penny, and the sad thing is, is I was with the other 15 girls too, but I know someone's trying to frame me "I can't believe Rachael is hanging out with Lucie, didn't you hear? Tina is her cousin, and now she's missing and Lucie was the last one to see her, it has to be her that killed Penny, and now she's gonna kill Tina" i didn't care what people said or thought, but then the words spread to Rachaels ears "hey Rachael, did you hear that your so-called bff kidnapped your cousin" Rachael just stood there infront of the girl, and only said one thing "are you done now?" Then Rachael walked away, it made me happy that she trusts me, I mean why wouldn't she? we've been friends ever since we were born, my mother Lisa and her mother Karen have been friends since middle school, one day my mom and Rachaels mom brought Rachael and I to the park and we became best friends, and we we still are, and now Rachael acts like nothing happened "c'mon Luce, let's go to class" I nod and we both head to art with Miss.Cumire "ok class, today we are going through our assignments, Rachael, Lucie, you two go first" Rachael and I have been working on a project about Friendship, our project includes pictures of is together, but one picture catches their eyes, a picture with a little baby with her hand on a wall, that picture is of me when I was a baby, and everyone is silent as they stare at the picture, I don't see what's so shocking
(for the readers)
I hope you like my story, and I'm open for ideas, just coment and I might take your idea into my next chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, and please, coment, star or follow me

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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