Ch. 3 First Blood

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I Could Do nothing but cry and contemplate why jess would do this to me. is she coming back, was she really my friend, what did the note mean? After A few hours, I knew what I had to do I grabbed the dull fork from the boul of now cold chicken and rice and stabbed it into my arm as hard as I could and jammed it in, I wiggled it around just to cause more pain. Nurse Joyce Flung open the door and snatched the fork from me and what I did I will regret forever I Kicked Her in the stomach as hard as I could So she couldn't follow me. Nurse Joyce was always so nice to me and I hurt her emotionally and physically. This time when I tried to escape I had a plan my arm was in pain as the fresh blood drizzled out of it so I found a corner where the cameras couldn't see me and tore a piece of my garments off and tied it around the world so that I wouldn't leave a trail of blood and to stop the bleeding. Who knew a plastic fork could do so much damage. I had to get to Dr. Mays's office and take his gun I saw him put it in a drawer at his desk. I sprinted down the hall as the white light above me flickered and the sleek almost slipped me. I heard running from behind me I knew I shouldn't look back my curiosity took hold  A Nurse and A Normal sized man with a bushy beard was running after me."GET BACK HERE. DON'T RUN!" They yelled. then I messed up I made a mistake that will ruin everything, and I slipped. I felt my head bang on the sleek tile. first and it all went black. I know inside I would have been better off dead than at the facility, But I did not die. I woke up in a furnished room in a cold spring bed and a doctor lurking over me. the sheets were thin and cold and the sofa by the bed looked cold gray and silky. I tried to move but I was tied down to the bed. The doctor had short black silky hair and blue eyes. he whispered in my ear "Don't worry we are all prisoners here your our ticket out" "what" I exclaimed quietly. " when you fell a blast of energy came from you knocking everyone back. No one could touch you without being zapped we had to wear thick gloves to carry you" He whispered back. "Who are you?" I asked quietly. "Dr. Clementine John. but you can call me Clementine" He answered quietly. his voice was soft and southing his smile was soft and shiny. He unhooked me from the bed and gave me a small silver pocket watch with a worn rope connected to it. "what's this for?" I asked. "Tomorrow at 3:30," He said. He escorted me back to my room and I sat there in silence and looked around there was still blood on the floor from my now properly bandaged wound.

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