Moving Pictures (Michael's POV)

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It had been about 30 years since my brother and most of the employees at Joey Drew Studios had gone missing. Both my father and Joey Drew were dead, that much I knew. Joey Drew Studios was abandoned after all these years. I knew those employees and my brother had gone missing at that studio, and I was going to pay it a visit. Who knows what could've happened to them? They could still be alive in there, or worse, dead but stuck on this God-forsaken planet. I had to right my father's wrongs, that included anything he helped Joey Drew with.

I arrived at the studio in under thirty minutes. The place sure looked run down and abandoned compared to the other buildings in the area, not to mention the ink that seemed to run out from the small crack under the door. I got out of my car and walked towards it.

I was probably going to have to pick the lock, but it wouldn't hurt to try turning the door knob. I was surprised when the door actually opened. Whoever had left the studio last has probably forgotten to lock up. Maybe they couldn't. Maybe they never got the chance to.

I walked into the abandoned studio and closed the door behind me, letting my eyes adjust to the very dim yellow light. Everything in the studio seemed to be yellow and black. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on the camera. Even my mask seemed more yellow.

No one seemed to be here. It would be silent if it weren't for the sound of an old projector projecting an old Bendy cartoon on the wall and some ominous music coming from seemingly nowhere. The type you'd hear in horror movies right before something jumped out at a character. If no one was here, where was that music coming from? I decided to ignore it and explore the part of the studio I saw first, the Art Department. It would be hard to navigate around since father never brought me here, only CC.

The day after my father brought CC back home from the studio because he "accidentally" left him there, CC began acting weird. He had ink on his face and arms which was spreading more every day, and he kept talking about an unknown entity he refused to refer to as anything other than "he". He occasionally referred to this unknown entity as his lord, which was very odd since none of us including him believed in God. Father went back to the studio with CC a few days later, and I never saw him again after that.

I walked into the Art Department and the first thing I saw was a desk belonging to Henry Stein. I had met Henry briefly before, I met him whilst shopping one day. He had mentioned working for Joey Drew and then quitting. He must've wasted a lot of time at this desk.

I went further into the art department and saw nothing interesting, just more desks and multiple drawings of Bendy. I left the art department and went to explore more of the studio. When I entered, I had gone left. There seemed to be more to the right so I went in that direction.

There was a sign pointing somewhere that read 'Ink Machine'. What in the world was an Ink Machine? Was that a code word, or did Joey Drew Studios really have a machine full of ink? I followed the sign and stepped over a pipe on the floor. Someone could've tripped over that, what were they thinking? No wonder Joey Drew and my father became friends, they were so alike. No common sense, a desire for immortality, and willing to do anything to achieve their goals. They deserved what they got.

I continued walking and was finally met with a large room, most of it being taken up by a giant pit with chains going down into it. I wanted to find out what was there. There was a lever nearby. It seemed to control a lift, but it needed dry cells. Luckily, there were two nearby and I put them in. Then I pulled the lever.

To my surprise, it worked and the lift started to raise and pull something up. For some odd reason, different and more dramatic music played as the lift raised whatever was down there up. Who was doing that?

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