Hazel Iris| Before you read

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Okay so I wanted to just outline the entire story plot and my ideas of what I might do. Okay so first and foremost there will be no secret about Marinette's and Adrien's identity.

It honestly caust way more problems and misunderstandings when they didn't know each others identities, like lets be real:  Lets say im Adrien or some shit, and Marinette was extra grumpy with me because of reasons(ladybug responsibilities) I'm most likely going to get mad or misunderstand and start being the same way because I have no reason to think she has a reason to be that way to anyone or me in general, and that's probably going to be a major problem and make her even more stressed out or ruin our relationship. Now if I knew Marinette was Ladybug, I would be able to comfort her since I know what it feels like or atleast understand enough to not take it to heart.

So like it helps a lot having someone else to go through with your struggles, there's no way it was good for there mental health having to lie to there friends and family every single day and have the pressure of Paris on there backs with not a single SOUL to vent to.

Also I'm provoking some of the favoritism Marinette had. Like Marinette will no longer be the person choosing the hero's, to prevent stupid things like the S3 finale and also to protect identities. Also because she wont be able to pass them out like fucking candy just because she likes that person. Marinette will also not be the only one receiving advice from Master Fuckhimself. Also I feel like even though Plagg and Tikki are there own person, im going to make up this bullshit rule that your not allowed to show favoritism to the miraculous holders.

Also I think it would be cool if Kwamis had to have a certain personality to be able to use them. Like for example if your to much of a coward you would not be able to use the Cat miraculous or the Bee miraculous, If your not creative you cant use the Fox miraculous. If your not determined you cant use the Moth miraculous ,etc.

That's all the lore for now you need to fully understand the origin story and the first part re-write(not really a re-write more like an alternate reality were its not fucking stupid)

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