0: Prolouge

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???'s POV:

"WE'RE MOVING?!?!" I yelled, shocked. "It's closer to your sister's school, and a better hospital for dad, please try and understand Sweetheart." Mom sighed, packing up the last box. I sighed, defeated, moving? I guess that means I can't to Windermere Prep anymore.... "O-Okie. I guess I'm supposed to say goodbye to my friends at school..."

"That would help a lot, thanks Fre." She smiled. I nodded back, and prepared for my last day.

-at school, free period-

My friends stared at me in shock. "You're leaving?!" Sakura cried, tears threatening to spill from her bright blue eyes and onto her cherry pink hair, "Now who's gonna be our group's Singing prodigy?!" I felt tears fall from my eyes too. "It's worse for me, cause now I've gotta leave all of you!" I cried, hugging them. "You better write to us Freyja-Chan! I swear to god you better!" Hotaru said, glaring at me with her fiery red eyes. "I will! I promise!" I squeezed them even tighter, when we heard a cough from behind us. "Ladies, something wrong?" The voice asked. We turned away and saw the student body vice-president behind us. "V-Vice President Heinz, good morning!" I replied, Shocked. "Good morning ladies. May I ask why you ladies are crying?" He asked again. One of my friends walked forwards and started crying again, "Frejya-Chan's leaving school!"

"Oh my. I suppose that would make someone rather sad. Where are leaving for Freyja-San?" He asked. "I think the school's called, "Macross Academy." In Ragna." I replied, hearing one of my friends cry, "But Ragna's 2 towns Over!!!!"

"There there Sakura-San. Now, I'm not usually meant to do this, but take this Freyja-San, as a final goodbye from Windermere Prep School." Heinz smiled, handing me a cloth. I unwrapped the brown cloth, and saw a pink and yellow hairpin. "Wow! My own Rune!" I smiled. My other friend peeked over, "Wow! Only students who graduate get their own PERSONAL rune! Lucky, I only have a basic one..." saying that, she tapped the grey star pin in her Golden like hair. "I think yours looks lovely Hotaru-San." Heinz smiled, before urging us to class, "Now that that's settled, you might want to head off to class, Keith might get mad if your late!"

"Right." We all smiled back, and walked together.

-End of the day, School gates-

No one's POV:

As the 3 girls heard the the final bell chime, Sakura and Hotaru smile at Freyja. "Well, guess that's my ride." She smiled, seeing a car follow behind a massive moving truck. "We'll catch ya on the flip side Freyja." Hotaru smiled. "Whenever you feel a kind breeze at Ragna, think of it like us cheering you on!" Sakura giggled. Freyja nodded, "I will. And I'll always be with you girls too-" they hear a honk from the car, "Sorry, I really have to leave now!" The trio hug one more time, as Freyja enters the red, medium length vehicle. As they drive away, The young girl was sad to be leaving her school, but also excited to see what her new life at Ragna city would be like.

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