1: The Trander Student, The Troublemaker, and the Killjoy of Delta Class

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Frejya's POV:

After we got to the house, we dropped all of our stuff off and went to go check dad into the hospital. "Ravenna's not coming?" I asked. Mom shook her head, "She apparently got held up." Again? She's gotta stop using that excuse! While I was pouting, I heard a low, deep groan of pain. "Dad!" I yelled, running towards his stretcher. "Freyja, is that you?" He weakly asked. "Yeah." I replied, "It's me Dad. It's me."

I looked at my father's condition, and gritted my teeth. Why wouldn't Ravenna be here?! "Freyja, it's time to leave. You still need to unpack, and you can't be late for your 1st day of school." Mom sighed. Yeah, like I can care about school at a time like this!!! "Go Freyja. Don't worry about me, you should enjoy your new school year to the fullest..." dad smiled. I sighed, and nodded, "Okay Dad, Mom. I'll try..."

Time skip...

The next morning, I pried myself out of bed, and changed into my red and white school Uniform. It's a lot more loose fitting than my uniform at Windermere, but it'll do. "Mom, I'm heading out now." I called, walking out. "Have a great 1st day sweetie!" Mom called, as I shut the door. The city was close to the shore, which eased my mind a little, I'd never seen the sea before! As I was staring at the ocean though, I accidentally bumped into someone. "Gah! Sorry about that!" I yelped, taken by surprise. "Ah, no it's okay. That uniform," they realized, "Do you Attend Macross Academy?"

"Huh? Oh, it's my 1st day today." I explained, fussing with my rune, which I had clipped into my hair. "No way! I go there too! I'm Ranka Lee, But Ranka's fine. What's your name?" Ranka asked. She had the same uniform as me, but she had orange-y red eyes and green hair. "I-I'm Freyja Wion, but you can call me Frejya." I bowed in response. "Freyja-Chan! Well, let me be the first to say welcome to Macross Cad! I hope you're in Frontier Class with me!" She wished. I tilted my head, Frontier Class? She must've seen that I was confused, because then she backed up and explained.

"There are 1st years to 4th years here at the academy, but we're divided into one of 5 classes, depending on our rankings. There's Fortress Class, Plus Class, 7 Class, and Frontier Class; like me!"

"What about the 5th class?" I wondered, realizing she left out one. "Dunno, never seen them. All we know is their name. The roughest class around with a crazy good unit to boot: Delta Class." Lee sighed, seeming to be lost in thought. After a bit more questioning, I found out that the classes are also broken into 2 groups: Fighters and Singers.

Different fighters of each class are assigned different Singers to protect, due to some people trying to shut down the school or something, I think that's what's happening. I apparently was enrolled as a singer, but I have no idea what class I was in. "I can walk you to school if you want me to!" Ranka offered. "Thankies, I appreciate it." I accepted, as we walked together and I PRAYED to whoever's up in the heavens that I wouldn't be in Delta Class!

Time skip!!

My prayers were so NOT answered! I looked over at the schedule, and was mortified.

Name: Freyja Wion

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Class: Delta

DELTA CLASS. Oh no. "Oof, been nice knowin ya Freyja-Chan..." Ranka sighed when she saw. I sighed, and walked towards the classroom. And, just my luck! I bump into someone! "Ack, sorry!" I yelped, falling on my butt. "No, I'm sorry; are you okay?" The voice asked. I looked up to see a blue haired male smiling down at me and extending his hand. I took it, and stood up, "Yeah I'm fine."

"That's a relief! I'm Hayate by the way, what's your name Cutie?" He asked, winking at me. I felt a blush creep onto my face, either he's a massive flirt, or I did something right! "I'm Freyja. I just transferred from Windermere Prep." I replied. "Welcome to Delta Class Freyja, the coolest class around!" Hayate smiled, opening the door, "Hey, Little miss Killjoy! We've got a newbie, and a cute one too!"

"Hayate Immelmann, I thought I told you to stop calling me a killjoy!" Someone else replied, stomping over. She had purple hair and her face was flushed. "Whatever you say Killjoy." He smirked, before walking over to his seat. "Please ignore him, I'm Mirage Farina Jenius, Class representative for Delta Class."

"I'm Freyja Wion, I just transferred. A pleasure to meet you, and you too Hayate." I replied, leaning over and winking at him. I think I saw him blush over it?

Hayate's POV:

Shit, the New girl is SO FREAKING CUTE!!!! Why did I HAVE to flirt with her the moment I saw Lee-Senpai walk away?! I had been walking down, being the bad@ss of the class, when legit, my heart stopped and I saw that girl! Love at first sight doesn't exist, right? I was contemplating my life, when I heard a ding! From my phone. I took it out, and saw it was from Him....

Oh no.....

Reluctantly, and with no other choice, I replied

Sora: Haya, I know you're reading this

Yeah, Yeah :Me

What do you Want Sora-Nii? :Me

Sora: Yay, you're alive

            Anyways, I saw that your class has a new              
             student. If you like her, just say so    
            Troublemaker of Delta Class

"Yeah right, like I'd actually tell her." I growled, then smirked.

"The Trander Student, The Troublemaker, and the Killjoy of Delta Class. Huh, nice ring to it."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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