Part 1

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"Enid? Hey I'm going to go out for a walk okay?" Wednesday says.
"Alright! Just take how much time you need." Enid says while chuckling.

As Wednesday goes out for a walk, she thinks about what she should get Enid for their anniversary. Soon as she gets done with her walk it's night time, she heads back to the dorm and Enid isn't there.

"Where's Enid, Thing? Wednesday said concerned.
"I don't know she left while I was sleeping" Thing signs.
"What if she's in danger?" Wednesday says frightened .
"Don't over think it, I'm sure she's fine." Thing says.
"Well I guess your right, also Thing?" Said Wednesday
"Yes?" Thing signs
"Have you seen my gun anywhere, I can't seem to find it?" Wednesday says confused.
"I don't know, I woke up when Enid left for just a little while I think she had it in her hand" Thing signs.

Wednesday sits back in her chair wondering why she would have it but soon it snapped to her.

"FUCK, THING YOU FUCKING IDIOT WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HER?" Wednesday says shouting with rage.

Wednesday runs through forest, to see Enid there sitting by a lake pointing the gun to her head.

"ENID!" Wednesday shouts.
"Wens?" Enid said softly falling to the ground.
"Enid... Enid why? Tell me why was it because of me, was it!? Enid please tell me, please." Wednesday says hugging her tightly.
"Wednesday... I'm sorry. It's not because of you I love you way too much, I felt like I was the problem. It felt like you were pushing away from me and... well Wednesday I feel like I don't belong anymore everyone just hates me. I'm a disappointment to my mom I'm a disappointment to everyone, what's the point of living anymore? Enid says while gripping onto Wednesday tightly, and crying onto her shoulder.
"Enid, I would never push you away, and your not a disappointment to me I love you very much and I never loved someone as much as I love you, you made me see love is a way to heal. We had our ups and downs but you were still the most important, beautiful , kindest, lovable person I've ever met. You have a scar left on me that is indelible, you're all I need to complete my heart, I love you Cara Mia. -Wednesday Addams

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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