➳༻❀Amber Campbell❀༺➳

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After the little fiasco Sherlock was then pulled away by the women and William was left in his thoughts

'That girl she looks like she knew who I was, not to mention everything she said was true to the chess games and to my favorite dish, and she said I had another occupation, just who are you? 'William thought looking at the direction she went before Moran appeared

"Is anything matter? " he ask

"If you see a girl with H/C tied up wearing strange clothing tell me ok Moran"

"Huh umm sure" Moran answered confused

With y/n she went to the ballroom to see nobles dancing and saw Lord Enders who looks like he was having a breakdown

"I wonder what's troubling Lord Enders" one of the ladies spoke

"Excuse me, I think it's best to leave him be for now he just needs a little space ladies" y/n said

"Hmm alright thank you Ms"

"Well, hello there we meet again" y/n turns around to see William

"Oh umm hi, it's nice to see you again as well umm? " she pretended she didn't since she didn't want to make any mistakes again like she did with Albert

"Moriarty, William James Moriarty" he introduced himself taking her hand placing a gentle kiss on it"and you are? "

"Umm Amber, Amber campbell nice to meet you Mr. Moriarty" she said not telling him her real name

"Pleasure to meet you Ms. Campbell, say would you do me an honor to have this dance" he ask her extending his hand to her to take

"Umm are you sure? I don't think what I'm wearing is appropriate for dancing since I don't really like dresses much, besides there are plenty of women here wearing lovely dresses that would gladly dance with you" she said

"My lady I ask someone to dance with me just because I want to and it does not matter if you are not wearing a dress you are beautiful either way" William complimented as y/n hesitates before laying her hand on his

They both went to the dance floor and started dancing many looks at them at awe as women stare at y/n in envy and some in admiration while men stared at William with jealousy

"They're looking at us, I knew it was a bad idea, we should stop before I tarnish your reputation Mr Moriarty" The H/C said slowly letting him go but William held her waist keeping her from leaving

"Do not worry about them they are just admiring your beauty"William said looking at her and they continued dancing until the music stops and everyone around them clapped and Moran appears

" sir that special cut of meat you ordered is ready"Moran informed him glancing at y/n before looking away there was a tint of red on his cheeks

"I see, alright thank" William nodded at him before turning to y/n "well looks like I have to go Ms. Campbell, it was pleasant dancing with you"

"And you as well Mr. Moriarty"y/n said and left to go the room where her luggage is

When she was gone Moran looks at William

" was that her? "Moran ask

" yes"

"Can you introduce me to her? "

William sighed irritation at his question but who could blame him that woman was not like the noble women he met, he then went to where Enders is but couldn't help but think that she was lying about her name

The next day Y/n was sitting in the theater to watch the show and looks behind her to see Fred disguise as the man the Enders killed , she then looks back at the show a few minutes later she noticed Enders running towards the place where Fred was but he was not the and left to go back stage a few moments later the curtains open to show him stabbing the dead body she knew Albert would do something but y/n wanted to see what their reaction would be if she did something

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