𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞//𝐄𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦//

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               El should have been used to finding herself in that void, but sadly she still wasn't.  When ever the void was what she opened her sleepy eyes to fear would come quick after and tonight was no different from the others. The thing was the void felt different this night, it was more unsettling then it usually was or at least more unsettling than most times. Everything looked the same, the dark murky water that was oddly warm, the dark walls or no sky. The darkness felt endless to El which alway scared her even more, El found the darkness to familiar to the lad and being left alone by papa. El slowly started to trudge though the water looking, searching for what every the void wanted her to finding knowing it would not let her rest until what was needed to be found was discovered.  Unlike most times this look longer than El would have likes. Usually the void is pulling her towards what it wants her to find and guiding her but today it was pulling away which was beginning to get tedious. Tedious, one of the many new word El had been taught by Mike when he came over and also sat on the front cover of her vocabulary journal.  El had learned many new things in the last month and with summer fast approaching and Mike being done with school for the time being she could finally have a good life.  No more stupid papa, no more seeing that terrible lab. One thing that El still thought about was Kali, she still wondered at night what had happened to her. Maybe that's what the void it going to show her, where Kali was and how she is doing but instead in front of her was a boy looking around the age 12 standing in front of a man laying on the ground. For some reason El could feel her self tense up, the boy had a shaved head like she had once had and the same looking hospital gown, El had memorized the pattern on that gown the day it was put on her. There was this uneasiness the boy gave off but curiosity out weighed the fear and unease and El look another step.
The water rippled.
That never happened.
The water was alway still here.
It was suddenly cold and El felt all of the warmth from her body disappear.
The boy fist clenched and El could feel his energy.
It was like he knew she was there. . .

El wanted to step back and run and forget but something made her step forward instead and the man on the floor become more familiar, then his face became clear.
El blood turned to ice.

On the ground, pupils dilated and head bleeding out from one side was Doctor Martin Brenner. He looked the same as he used to but the hole in his head was large and oozed out blood. El wanted to throw up at the sight of it. The fear El was experiencing was different than anything she had felt.
El's eyes widen when suddenly her eyes where meet with two others, blood shot with tears and blood flowing from them. He boy seemed so scared, so afraid, yet so free like he had broken the chains that had confined him. But his eyes was what El was stuck on:
Though eyes. . .
They where so familiar. . .
The eyes where a dark chocolate brown that seemed to be endless like the void that surrounded them. 
They where large doe like eyes.

El's eyes wander over to the boys wrist and the final thing that El saw of the boy before waking up was the numbers 007 and a small shot gun in his hand with blood on the top of the pistol...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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