ch 3 sleepless night

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Bryan p.o.v
I don't know why but I couldn't sleep because I felt like someone was watching me or my father was about to enter my room so I was still laying on my bed and then I looked at the moon it felt a little different than normal but why? Then I sit up on the bed and continue to look at the moon it felt like it was calling me but I decided to not think about it too much I didn't feel tired I felt like i was fully wake then after I don't know how many hours but it was morning so I did my usual routine then after my father went to work I suddenly felt sick but I continue to do my chores then Alice enter the room and ask if I was okay
I said: I'm fine just a little bit sick but I'm fine
Then she walked over to me and hugs me I was surprised by that because I haven't hug ever since my mom died so I hug and tear up a little bit and I smile softly then I told Alice that I'm going to head out of town to get some groceries and that I'll be back in a few she nodded okay and then I left

A few minutes later

Bryan p.o.v
And I was going to go back to the village then I saw the same wolf again so I tried to head over to it and see if it will allow me to pet it then the wolf bite me and ran off I hold my arm a bit but I tried to leave it be and hurry back to the village before my father gets home because you know if I don't have dinner done before he gets home he will beat my ass

When Bryan got home
When I finally got home I noticed that I was only made some dinner and it was 5 minutes before my father gets home so I thank Alice for making dinner and she said you're welcome back so I thought I was putting the groceries away I tried to put some bandages on my arm and then I called just to say that I do someone dog bite me I say nothing about it because he doesn't give any sh*t about me the only reason why he gives any sh*t about me now because he trying to impress this Rich lady ew he freaking disgusted me then after my father got home I give him his food and then grab some food for myself and then went to my room as fast as I could go I got to my room and start eating but I felt little bit weird I decide to ignore it after I was done eating I quickly did the dishes then I went straight to bed but I started tossing and turning in my sleep then I woke up I tried to try to get some warm milk see if that would help but it did not so I tried to leave so my books and try to wait until morning and tomorrow but the day of the festival where we do it with you to try to keep our barrier up so no wolves or vampire could enter our village
(I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and sorry for the long wait but anyway see you in the next chapter)

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