Selfish (Mark + Johnny)

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Mark rolled over in bed and reached for Johnny in the dark. His fingers grasped at nothing but air. He thought he saw a shadow move into the adjoining bathroom. Then he heard Johnny sigh, followed by the churning of water through the open door as he took a piss. The sound seemed excessive in the quiet of night.

Johnny returned to bed and pulled Mark against him. Mark loved the warm contact of their naked bodies. When Johnny's dick brushed against Mark's thigh, he could feel the piss droplets that lingered on the tip.

Mark rolled back over, and Johnny pulled his little spoon flush against his body. The warmth of Johnny's body was comforting against Mark's back. As Mark began to drift back off to sleep, Johnny was already snoring again, an arm draped over Mark's waist, hand near his navel.

Mark woke a while later. He guessed not much time had passed since they were in the same position. Johnny was snoring into the back of Mark's head. What woke him was Johnny's heated erection pressing between the two of them.

Mark rotated his hips, rubbing his ass back against Johnny. From the size, it seemed Johnny was completely hard. Mark liked witnessing these nighttime occurrences. Johnny had woken Mark once by sucking him off when he was erect while asleep.

Reaching to his nightstand, Mark felt for his bottle of lube. He had to pull away from Johnny to get it, and Johnny rolled onto his back. Mark squinted through the dark and could just make out Johnny's hefty cock pointing toward the ceiling. Then Mark lay on his back and began lubing up his hole.

Pulling his legs up, Mark reached down behind his scrotum with his slicked fingers to prod at his entrance. He blindly poured some lube directly on his ass and then his fingers slipped right in. His own dick began to grow with arousal.

Ever so softly, Mark stroked Johnny a few times, spreading more lube all over his massive cock. Satisfied with how slippery Johnny was, Mark climbed on top, brushing his ass against Johnny's dick. Mark guided Johnny to his hole and slid all the way down his length. When he bottomed out, Johnny stopped snoring abruptly.

"Mark?" Johnny's voice was a raspy whisper. "Fuck you're tight." Johnny placed his hands on Mark's hips, and Mark slapped them away.

"Let me do it," Mark said.

"Hm. I like it when you're selfish," Johnny murmured.

Mark rocked back and forth on Johnny. Once accustomed to the size, he began to bounce up and down. He leaned back on his hands for balance, gripping Johnny's shins, using his legs to lift and lower his weight. Mark's dick hardened fully, and he could feel it bouncing around between his legs. When he was angled just right, his balls clapped against Johnny on the way down.

Mark strained his legs to stop riding when Johnny thrusted up into him. "I said let me do it," Mark demanded, tapping a foot against Johnny's shoulder.

"That was involuntary, sorry," Johnny said.

Mark maintained his stillness, just Johnny's tip inside him. Slowly, Mark turned so his body was perpendicular to Johnny's. Because of Johnny's curve, riding him this way would hammer Mark's prostate.

He eased into it, unable to keep the moans from escaping his mouth. Johnny's dick swiped against Mark's prostate, up and down, and Mark felt his body come alive. The need for release grew more intense in his groin, and his lower stomach started to tighten.

Mark bottomed out on Johnny, turned back to face him, and rocked his hips through his orgasm. He sprayed his load over Johnny, who he could hear chuckling. Mark moaned through the high, and when his ass relaxed, he slid off Johnny and curled back up next to him.

"What about me?" Johnny mused.

"Another time," Mark replied. "That was just for me."

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