First Day In The Mines.

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(This is my first time actually trying to write a story, so if anybody does ever see this then I'd like to get some knowledge of how to write better.)

Onto the story!

It is a sunny day overhead, no signs of clouds in the sky, a nice breeze slowly flowing through the air as the miners go around the huge mining facility to perform daily tasks such as analyzing data, doing research for new tools or weaponry, forging pickaxes, or simply buying from the marketplace nearby. Today was a great day for everybody in the mines, this includes the newest hire, BlueTunes. BlueTunes was quite excited for his first day working at The Mediocre Mines, as this place has been stated to be one of the best jobs a person can find if they like adventure and hands-on working experience. 

So far, all the miners were just sitting around in the main hub discussing any plans they may have that day or just having some small talk. BlueTunes, however, was trying to find his way around the place to find his personal base where he would be living at and making upgrades to it the more he worked there. 

After almost 20 minutes of trying to find his way around, BlueTunes would be approached by an experienced miner that had been at the mines for almost 7 years. "Hey there! You look like you're having quite the bit of trouble trying to find your way around, so I've decided to give you a tour around this place! It may seem very confusing at first, but you'll know this place like the back of your hand soon enough!" The miner, also known as Slim by most was a very kind and energetic man. He always liked to help new people find his way around. BlueTunes was surprised by the sudden approach, but he would soon find a response.

"Uhh... Yeah! I'd like to be shown around here, as I really don't know anything about where I'm going..." BlueTunes said with a slightly embarrassed tone. 

"Don't worry my friend, I'll show you to your base! If you don't mind me asking, what is your name? My name is Slim." Slim said with his always energetic voice.

BlueTunes was still somewhat surprised by how sudden everything was considering that he was lost not even 20 seconds ago, but he would make a quick response as to not be rude. "Oh, right! My name is BlueTunes, nice to meet you."

Slim would simply nod before grabbing BlueTunes' arm and dragging him around for a tour. "Right this way!" 

Slim would lead BlueTunes around the mining base. It was very expansive, being almost 1 1/2 miles all around. Slim had lead BlueTunes through the Main Hub for trading and commerce, the Research and Development labs for making new buildings that could be used in the mines, the Data Analysis area for analyzing data being provided by miners to make improvements so people can go deeper down, the Weapon Forge for making new swords or ray guns to weaken ores and kill zombies, the Mining Operation, which produced most of the currency to be found in the Mediocre Mines main base, the Marketplace, and the teleporters to personal bases for miners to reside in along with miniature versions of all the places mentioned before. 

It took almost 3 hours, but they soon finished the tour and were now standing at the final destination, which was the mines themselves. Slim would look over to BlueTunes who looked like he was having a hard time standing up after being dragged around so long. "I knew this place was big... BUT WHY THIS BIG! It's gonna take me forever to remember all of this!" BlueTunes said in a slightly angry/annoyed tone.

Slim would reply just moments later. "Don't worry BlueTunes, you'll remember it soon enough! If you need anything else, you can always find me in the Marketplace or Research and Development zone!" Slim would walk off and leave BlueTunes to himself.

It will take BlueTunes some time before he fully figures out everything here.

This marks the end of Chapter One. I'd like feedback on anything to improve for those that do come across this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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